Can chickens get Pink Eye(Conjunctivitis)?


9 Years
Sep 6, 2010
I have pink eye, and I know it's contagious, so I was wondering if it can be given to chickens? Or is it something they can't get? I was wondering because I usually go to the coop and hold them and stuff everyday, but i've been avoiding them because i'm not sure if they can get it or not...
I don't think anyone has answered be cause they don't know the answer...... I've not seen anything that says they can..... But I don't know. I would just avoid handling them before you disinfect your hands.
I actually just saw this...

My chickens have never gotten Pinkeye. I get it all the time due to a small tumor I have in my right eye. I am the only person here during the morning hours of the day until 3 or 4, and have to do all the morning care for the birds. They have never gotten it from me.

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