Can ducks eat candy, canes


Nov 8, 2023
I know it’s a random question, but I was just wondering… can ducks eat candy, canes? I have four ducks, none of which like me and so I was wondering if there’s any treats I could give them to make them like me more and I know horses love candy, canes so I was wondering if ducks or chickens would too. I don’t know if this is Stupid question but I was just wondering.

Thank you.
Yeah.. avoid the candy canes, or anything like it. My ducks love peas and mealworms too, as well as watermelon, cucumber, and their own cooked eggs. Limit any treats you do give, as their main food source should always be their feed.

I always say “treat treat” when I give any of my ducks a treat, so when they hear the words, they come running - you could do that or some variation of it. I sit on the ground and throw treats towards them, saying “treat treat” when I throw. Once they’re comfortable eating treats near you, you can move to them eating out of your hand. Just hold your hand still, near the ground, and let them come to you.

Move slow, talk to them calmly to get them used to your voice. Be patient. You’ve got this :)

Also, here’s a much broader, fantastic list of treats you can give
to ducks, things like peas, or lettuce, or chopped up cucumbers are candy.

Put some in a bowl and pour hot water on them to warm them up and unfreeze them.
I use about 1 cup of peas for 12 ducks and 2 chickens who also love peas.

Ducks are smart and they LOVE healthy food. my ducks will not even eat bread if i toss them some. I highly doubt they would even try any candy. but they go bonkers for peas! also love lettuce, cucumbers, kale (cut in small pieces)
If you feel your ducks don't like you there are definitely things you can do! Start by spending regular daily time with them - be quiet and calm whenever you're with them, sit and observe them. Enter with treats - it may take them awhile to get used to or like the treats, if they're not used to eating them. The easiest things are mealworms and peas. Everyone else's suggestions are all great things ducks love. You want them to associate your presence with something positive, thus a treat, while they learn to trust you. Ducks are easily scared and don't like change, so try to make your time with them consistent, and eventually they will feel safe around you. It just takes time, but you can do it! And keep expectations appropriate - they're not like dogs or cats and may never like to be picked up or touched, but if they come up to you and take treats, and don't mind you being near, that's love in duck terms!
Yeah.. avoid the candy canes, or anything like it. My ducks love peas and mealworms too, as well as watermelon, cucumber, and their own cooked eggs. Limit any treats you do give, as their main food source should always be their feed.

I always say “treat treat” when I give any of my ducks a treat, so when they hear the words, they come running - you could do that or some variation of it. I sit on the ground and throw treats towards them, saying “treat treat” when I throw. Once they’re comfortable eating treats near you, you can move to them eating out of your hand. Just hold your hand still, near the ground, and let them come to you.

Move slow, talk to them calmly to get them used to your voice. Be patient. You’ve got this :)

Also, here’s a much broader, fantastic list of treats you can give
Thanks. My ducks love scrambled eggs and when I walk out with scrambled eggs they go wild eating out of my hands a bowl…once I brought out a hot bowl and they immediately grabbed into it and then burn themselves😑😑😑

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