Can ducks live with chickens?

Chicks in VA

Bantams are the best👍😁
Mar 27, 2021
take a guess
Can ducks live in the same coop as chickens and Guineas?
I have 13 chickens and 4 guineas could 2 ducks happily live with them?
And I know they " can" free range but can they safely free range , or as safely as chickens?

I have three ducks, as well as a guinea and many chickens. I’ve found that they all get along just fine and coexist happily together. I think your ducks would be fine to live with the others, but just watch for signs of aggression or distress.
Can all of them go in the same coop at night?
My chickens and runner ducks get along fine during the day when everyone is loose. But, they sleep in separate coops because the ducks enjoy water in their coop while the chickens -- especially in winter -- do not. Excess moisture in the coop can be tragic for chickens, leading to frostbite and/or respiratory ailments.
If only female ducks, then the main complaint seems to be that ducks tend to make the set up messier or wetter, if you have the waterer inside the coop for example.

If you're including a male, then the risk is internal damage if he starts mating the hens.
Im hoping no males
My chickens and runner ducks get along fine during the day when everyone is loose. But, they sleep in separate coops because the ducks enjoy water in their coop while the chickens -- especially in winter -- do not. Excess moisture in the coop can be tragic for chickens, leading to frostbite and/or respiratory ailments.
okay , so it would probably be okay as long as I kept water outside of the coop?

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