Can I Count Coop Floor in Run?


Mar 31, 2018
Upstate, NY
Hello BYC!

I have kind of a dumb question, but it really does impact my chicken plans. I have a 10x10 run currently and we are adding a 7x10 building onto the back of it as we speak. It's actually almost done, knock on wood, it just needs walls and the tin to be put up on the roof!

The entire 17x20 thing will be adjacent, however I had been counting the 7x10 coop space as not part of the run.

My question is this; assuming there is proper roosting space, can I count the coop building's floor as part of the run, meaning I have 170 sq. ft and can have 17 birds, or is it 10 birds because I only have a 100 sq ft run?

They free range anywhere from 5-10 hours a day, depending on the weather and my availability.

I just need to know if, so long as the coop is open to the run and they have access to the full 170 sq ft, does it count? I just need 4 ft per chicken when the coop is closed off at night, correct? Which would mean the coop would fit 17 chickens as well even without the run?

I'm slightly confused. I know it's just a general rule but I also don't want to overcrowd my babies! I currently have 12.
Where do you live? Climate can change things up a lot.
I would leave it with the 12 you have, overcrowding issues are a pain and stressful for everyone involved. Sounds like a perfect setup for 12 birds.
I live in Upstate NY; I thought I had that in my profile but I guess I've gotta fix that, jeez.

Either way, I'm glad it'll be okay for my 12! I was worried because I only had the 100 sq ft of run space I'd have to find a way to add on another 20 ft even with the coop space.

They'll likely be locked up all winter (although on nice days they'll have the option to go out), but given that the entire thing is roofed (and we'll be wrapping the run in plastic) they'll have access to the full 170 ft year round.
The coop is the coop and the run is the run. So yes 4 square feet in the coop AND 10 square feet in the run. Since you plan on free ranging I would say your run size is not as important since they won't be locked in there. If you plan on locking them in there in winter I would make the run larger. Personally I find the 4 square feet in the coop seems adequate, but after a year with my chickens I feel like 10 square feet in the run per bird is not enough.
x2, agree with PirateGirl. It's great that your chickens get to free range some to help stretch the space they have access to, but in the winter it could be an issue trying to fit extra birds into that total space.
Hello fellow upstate NY'er. :frow. I don't have chickens yet, but my buddy let's his gals out of there run during the winter as long as it's not bitter cold and windy. Kinda fun watching them scratch through the snow.
The whole 4/10 thing is a minimum, IMO, and much can depend on climate and weather/predator proofing of run...especially in places like Upstate NY where tons of snow can have a huge impact. If your run is not snow and wind proof, they may not spend much time out there during days long winter storms, so your coop needs to be more like 6-8sqft per bird. Chicken Cabin Fever is real, and it can be ugly. BTDT.

They'll likely be locked up all winter (although on nice days they'll have the option to go out), but given that the entire thing is roofed (and we'll be wrapping the run in plastic) they'll have access to the full 170 ft year round.
Looks like you have that covered(haha-literally!), make sure your run roof can handle the snow load and plan for access to doors and such thru the snow. Remember to leave some ventilation when you wrap the run. A bigger walk-in coop can be nice for storing supplies and doing chicken chores during nasty weather.
Glad you mentioned this. I’m up to 75 birds this year and added another 8x8 coop for young ones. I’m thinking a 10x20 predator proof run ( with floor n roof) between the 2 coops. Big coop is 10x12. I free range but have a small pen if I need to keep them in. I’m concerned about the long winters...
I raised about 100 this year but gave most to friends..
I really don’t know what happened this year but I wound up with so many birds:)

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