Can I create sex-links from any of these chickens? Or suggested crossings?


5 Years
Nov 9, 2017
Hello BYC!
In my flock I have 2 surprise roosters... dun-dun-dun...
One is a Jersey Giant, and the other is a Light Brahma.
For hens I have
1) Rhode Island Reds
2) Buff Orpingtons
3) Buff Brahmas
4) Light Brahmas
5) Jersey Giants
6) Barred Rocks
7) Speckled Sussex
8) Blue Austrolorpes

I am thinking of splitting my girls up between the roos, and I would like the most optimal crosses. Sex-linked being a GREAT option. If I put any of my hens under either rooster, would I get any sex-linked chicks?
If not, anyone ever get neat crosses from any of these pairings, and how would you suggest I pair them?

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