Can I Eat this Duck? [REMOVED]


I just had one of my hens die from hypothermia. I noticed her outside, waterlogged, and she had all the symptoms of classic hypothermia.

In my area it has suddenly went from not that cold weather to freezing in a matter of two days.

I brought her inside and tried to slowly warm her up and give her fluids. Unfortunately she ended up passing a few hours later in front of me.

I am of the mindset to waste as little as possible, so I immediately bled her and butchered her.

My concern came when I was gutting her and noticed that she had white spotting on the inside of her cavity and organs. I also noticed she had white spotting on the skin. No discoloration on the meat though, and no abnormal smell. I’ve read that this can be caused by hypothermia due to scarring of internal tissue.

I wouldn’t have even butchered her if I had any doubt there was something else wrong with her, but I also don’t have experience with hypothermia symptoms/death. I have included a photo of the liver and heart with the white scarring on it. Is this a normal result of hypothermia or is this a
symptom of disease? I’d love to here everyone’s respectful opinions.
Most people in this side of the forum keep ducks as pets, and arent likely to be able to
You may want to try posting in the meat birds section

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