Can i have a vet trim wings so they can't fly???

I think your neighbor either trimmed them wrong to make them bleed (ie cutting through new, blood feathers) or she thought you were referring to pinioning. With pinioning, a portion of the wing is actually removed as a permanent solution. I don't think you need to go that far and a regular wing trim will be fine.
I've found the easiest way to clip their feathers is after they have started roosting... they are in a daze and don't struggle. I get my roos that way also -makes it easy. I just take a flashlight.
I always thought it was just one wing so that they would be off balance when trying to fly? Otherwise being balanced with both wings clipped they may still achieve an over the fence attempt at harry carry to those 3 dogs.

That is a great idea about the string at the top of then fence.
I clipped 20+ pullets/chickens and not one bled. I realized the need to clip AFTER one chicekn was attached by my dog after clearing the 6 ft. fence. I only clipped one wing and it does keep them off balance. This is MUCH easier then dealing with a dead or severly hurt bird. I have been doctoring my one chicken every night for a month now where she was attacked by the dog...and you can't blame the dog, they are only doing what is natural for them. And doing at night after they are on the roost is WAY easier.
Blood feathers are no big deal either. Make sure you have a pair of needlenose pliers on hand before you start. If you accidentally clip one, grab the shaft with the pliers and pull it out. The blood from the shaft looks scary, but it's not painful. Your bird may flinch a bit when you pull the feather, but the bleeding stops immediately. Holding your bird gently but firmly and talking to it while you're doing all this helps as well. I'm agreeing with biddtboo.

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