Can I house peafowl with chickens, ducks and geese

Almond goose

5 Years
Jul 3, 2015
Hi I am considering about getting some peafowl and I want to make sure it's ok if they stay with my chickens ducks and geese. my main concern is my bandie chickens ( miniature chickens ) and my geese. My geese are a little territorial but they are all free ranged so they would have to be but to bed together or if they choose to stay inside when it snowy/cold outside.
My experience has been that when you close in peafowl with chickens health issues will occur. You mentioned that you free range all your birds so you need to be aware that herding peafowl back into a coop at night will be a pretty hard endeavor. They are not like chickens that go in on their own but will most likely fly up into a tree or onto a roof to perch overnight. As an experienced peafowl owner, I would only have peafowl with their own house and a way to insure that they use it when the weather turns nasty.
Ok Thank you q8peafowl and Frenchman Creek. Just wondering why shouldn't peacocks and waterfowl share feeders and waters is it just so they don't catch any disease or they don't like moist food because geese can get there food a little moist.
Waterfowl track in dirt and everything they walk in, then they crap in the water making it unsuitable for land fowl to drink. The risk of bacterial infections is very likely in unsanitary water. I got rid of all our turkeys because of the risk of worms and we are thinking of getting rid of the waterfowl because of the risk of Avian Influenza. Chickens are mostly ok as long as you keep a strict worming schedule. I would never consider housing waterfowl and peas in the same pen.
Ok Thank you q8peafowl and Frenchman Creek. Just wondering why shouldn't peacocks and waterfowl share feeders and waters is it just so they don't catch any disease or they don't like moist food because geese can get there food a little moist.

Almond goose you are welcome and btw it is nice to see someone on this site thank folks that are trying to help. I can not give any input on waterfowl as I have never raised them. I have learned that peas tend to be a little more fragile when it comes to health issues than other types of birds but having said that you do find that they are a very special bird to raise. My advice would be to hold off for awhile until you can provide them with a suitable house of their own and the appropriate pen area to contain them and then when you get your peafowl you will be starting off on the right foot. Keeping all the birds in one house would not work with peafowl as they need to be confined in their new house for two or three weeks until they realize that this new location is their new home. If this is not done your new peafowl will just fly the coop as the old saying goes. When you do get them I am sure you will really enjoy having them.
They will be fine free ranging together.

But I would house the peafowl on their own at night.

Geese are too aggressive and the ducks are too dirty and messy.

Chickens will be OK with the peafowl... but there may be increased risk of diseases spreading and squabbling.

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