Can I raise chicks in Fall in Massachusetts? Risk of too cold?

Excellent! I will read this
I highly recommend brooding in the coop if you have the space!!!!! @rosemarythyme helped me a TON when I started doing it this year! I have poop boards under my roost and was able to built a spot under that for a brooder. I have my 2nd batch in it now and just about ready to let them out (I currently have a broody in the coop with her babies so waiting till she brings them outside to let them out so she doesn't freak on them) to join the rest of the crew with spots they can run and hide if need be. I use a MHP (you can read more on that here) for heat so no worries of a fire. They are normally off the heat around 3-4 weeks with this. I am also in MA but haven't gotten any this late before (got my first ones last year in April. This year I got some in April and have hatched a few, the last ones are 4 days old and being raised by a mama.

What area of MA are you in if you don't mind me asking?

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