Can I remove my brooder plate?


In the Brooder
Jan 23, 2022
Any reason why I cannot remove my brooder plate? The girls will be 4 weeks next Tuesday and I have not seen them use it in sometime. We do have auxiliary heat at night with a heat lamp so the temperatures are adequate for them. (usually around 72 degrees with a bit warmer directly under the heat lamp) During the day the coop stays warm naturally. Thanks.



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I'd remove the heat lamp instead of the plate. They're not using it because the ambient temperature of the entire area is too warm to be using both at this age. They probably don't need the plate either but I know it makes folks nervous to go cold turkey, so at least the plate gives them the option of heat while allowing them to get away from heat too.

Reasons for removing lamp over plate:
- Lowers ambient temperature to encourage them to harden up for moving outdoors
- Plate is likely safer to leave on vs a lamp
- Starts getting them used to a day & night cycle, so they don't have light on 24/7
I’m in the same area and removed mine about the same age. We put a roosting bar in and they started using that instead, so we took away the brooder plate to give them more space. Our brooder is indoors.

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