can I safely tether my 2 hens?


In the Brooder
Aug 14, 2015
my flock of 5 has now been reduced to a flock of two. we just got some new neighbors with SIX big dogs. they somehow managed their way into the coop, poor girls. ive secured the fence now but am afraid my girls will leave to the other side of the fence accidentally with the dogs. is it possibke to tether my two girs by one foot and let them roam near where im at? id hate to clip their feathers and stopping their only hope of escape. im tryinf to protect my last 2 girls, not be inhumane, please help :(
my flock of 5 has now been reduced to a flock of two. we just got some new neighbors with SIX big dogs. they somehow managed their way into the coop, poor girls. ive secured the fence now but am afraid my girls will leave to the other side of the fence accidentally with the dogs. is it possibke to tether my two girs by one foot and let them roam near where im at? id hate to clip their feathers and stopping their only hope of escape. im tryinf to protect my last 2 girls, not be inhumane, please help

IMO - No. They will get tangled, caught up on something, god knows what. Build them a run with wire mesh over the top. Search this site for how to do it right so that the dogs can't get in.
a good run built out of chain link will keep dogs out. You really need one. Tethered, they will just be tied up so the dogs can get them... wait, maybe I don't understand?

"ive secured the fence now but am afraid my girls will leave to the other side of the fence accidentally with the dogs."

if I read this right, you do have fencing, but are afraid they will fly over the fence? Put some bird netting over the fence.
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X3. I'm so sorry that happened. It's hard when a new neighbor starts destroying your enjoyment of your property. If I'm understanding it right, the fence you secured is the one between you and your neighbors and your chickens used to be free to wander in your entire yard? You are worried that they will fly into the neighbors yard? If the neighbor has 6 loose dogs in their yard, the likelihood of them digging in is high, especially since they just moved in, the dogs will be more apt to not stay home.
Could you ask the neighbor to invest in a hot wire for their side to prevent digging? Worrying and/or killing livestock is a pretty serious thing in most parts.
You could clip their wings to prevent them from flying over, but again there's a good chance the dogs will be back. I agree with Mrs. K, you would be safer with a VERY secure run. Chain link dog kennels work quite well. There are several options available. Best of luck!
Tethering can be used if birds sufficiently spaced. Problem remains if fencing fails again. If tethering approach used, then I would make fence hot to repel dogs. Otherwise setup a chicken tractor. I am dealing with a similar problem with dog I am training. Electrified poultry netting will keep dog from getting to pens. Each bird kept in its own chicken tractor although multiple egg layers could be kept per pen. Give layers of protection.

Problem you are likely to have with tethered birds is wildlife will still be able to get at your birds. Clipped wings will not help the birds fare better.
You need a dog proof coop and run, surrounded by hot wire...and an invoice sent to neighbors to pay for your birds killed by their dogs.
You need a dog proof coop and run, surrounded by hot wire...and an invoice sent to neighbors to pay for your birds killed by their dogs.


I'm sorry you've lost some of your birds. I hope you've made the neighbor aware his dogs were on your property and of the loss you incurred. I'd also give warning to your neighbor that the next dog on your property will be subject to protective measures on your part, up to and including shooting them. You have a responsibility and the right to protect your flock.
thank you for all your replies, I've decided tethering was definitely not a good idea and have asked my neighbor to secure their side of the fence which they agreed to.I'm getting a new coop for my 2 hens now and am investing in a better run. thank you all so much :)
Good luck to you @rebbecka I hope you don't have any further problems.

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