Can I use duck eggs raw, the way I do chicken eggs?


5 Years
Oct 30, 2015
I was curious about what everyone's opinion of using fresh duck eggs raw. I know the chicken eggs we get in the supermarket are usually pasteurized, so I have no problem using them raw (mixed with hot rice and soy sauce and furikake is one of my older daughter's favorite comfort meals, or as the dip base for sukiyaki) but it looks like I'm going to stick only with ducks now and don't want to have to buy chicken eggs just for these purposes.

As long as I wash it well, there shouldn't be any issues, right?
I have used my own ducks eggs raw with no issues. I also have someone that buys my duck eggs and he puts them raw in his smoothies. He has been doing that for years and has never gotten sick. All my ducks and geese have come from hatcheries that are salmoella free (they can't ship across state lines if the aren't). Also I have had my eggs tested for salmonella. I also keep my birds living in a very clean environment. I personally would not eat a raw store bought egg. I don't have an issue with eggs from my ducks and geese. Hope that is helpful.
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I have used my own ducks eggs raw with no issues. I also have someone that buys my duck eggs and he puts them raw in his smoothies. He has been doing that for years and has never gotten sick. All my ducks and geese have come from hatcheries that are salmoella free (they can't ship across state lines if the aren't). Also I have had my eggs tested for salmonella. I also keep my birds living in a very clean environment. Hope that is helpful.
That... is SUPER HELPFUL. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.

I probably wouldn't have asked if it wasn't that my kid is going to be eating it raw, but I thought I'd be sure. I would think it would taste excellent, much better than just chicken eggs, so I'm excited about that.

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