can musckovies free rang

mine have always free ranged, the gate is open in the morning [if] I am going to be home all day, which is most of the time and closed about an hr. before dark. They come and go as they please. I have 4 dogs that go in and out of the house so don't have to worry to much about predators during the day time. Everyone is locked up at night.
muscovy don't bear confinement well... they like to get out and forage A LOT. And they're one of those ducks that are great at "living off the land". However, safe housing at night it very important. Mine are all locked up at night and they put themselves to bed pretty much the same time the chickens go to bed. My other ducks will stay out and play until I tell them to go to bed. Once you show them where their house is, they pretty much just mosey up in there right before it gets dark. If you don't clip their wings once they learn to fly, you'll have a difficult time getting the girls to sleep inside.
Yes, mine do.. they all tuck themselves in at night to lol My hens are full flight and still tuck themselves in at night. They love wandering all over the farm. We do put them in predator proof housing overnight.
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Yes, all of mine free range. Even those that fly around the property.
They always come back.
It depends upon your area. If I allowed my ducks outside their secure fence, they'd be lucky to live 15 minutes.

What predator load does your area have and can you keep your ducks off your neighbor's property?
You are asking me?

I've got a large population of exceptionally big coyotes. They have no respect. I know of 2 dogs they have killed that were on leashes at the time with the other end of the leash being held by the owner. One of my neighbors had their Rottweiller attacked.

I've seen them many times out and about during daylight and I've seen them within 20 feet of my house during the day. Livestock and dogs at my house are kept secure.

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