Can our chicks have "treats"


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 3, 2013
Can my daughter start feeding our chicks "food treats" like the ones listed on this site for mature chickens? Not sure how old the chicks are because we got them a TSS, they are probably around 3 to 4 weeks old.
Just make sure that the vast majority of their nutrition comes from their feed at this age. You will also need to provide grit if they are getting food that requires "teeth."
you should be able to start feeding the chicks treats at 2 weeks old. it is best if you provide some chick grit too starting then. for chicks, the best treats would be chopped mealworms, some fruits, romaine lettuce, or scrambled eggs
We offered our hatchlings a specially-for-chicks treat when they dried off after hatching. It didn't seem to hurt them at all; in fact, they're the biggest chicks we have. So, yes, it's okay to give your chicks treats.
Thank You for the feedback. How do I provide the grit? They have the hanging feeder with their chick feed, do I add it to that or mix it in with the treats?
put out a seperate dish. they'll eat what they need, when they need it.

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