Can sex be determined by size?

Y N dottes

7 Years
Sep 1, 2012
South Central WI
Okay, so I have 3 California white chicks about 4 weeks old, and one of them is significantly bigger and more feathered than the others. does this mean it is more likely to be a roo?
Just wondering if this is in any way an accurate way to determine gender. also, the comb on the bigger one is NOT any bigger than the other's
alright, thanks. I figured this was the case, but I thought it was strange that there should be different growth rates within the same breed
Yes I saw some grow faster than the others too in that batch of Cali Whites I had. But maybe you do have a little cockerel is certainly possible!

I have seen lots of chicks in other breeds grow at different rates as well. I think it has to do with how much pasty butt they have at the beginning in my flock. I clean it off every day but I think it sets them back anyway. This is my theory anyway.

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