Can someone clarify VA law for me?**update**


11 Years
Mar 10, 2008
central VA
As I read it, it looks like one can sell no more than 1000 home processed birds per year without USDA inspection etc. Am I correct? If over 1000, they just have to be processed at a USDA inspected processor? I'm getting ready to advertise my chickens and take turkey orders, and want everything legal-like. We have no intention of selling more than 1000 birds a year at this point. We don't have the room for it.

How 'bout eggs? Any restrictions?

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I would call your state Department of Agriculture. They are usually very nice and good at explaining what's going on.

In Ohio, we can process up to 1,000 and sell them with pretty much no restrictions at all as long as the buyers come to our farm to pick up the birds. We can sell up to 25,000 as long as the customers come to the farm AND we have the proper license, inspections and contamination prevention plan.

As soon as we transport a bird off of our farm, Ohio Department of Health regulations kick in. This makes things MUCH more tricky. In fact, a neighbor is planning on getting certified as a small processor and would do birds for me, but once I took them from their farm to mine, I couldn't sell the birds any more.

In other words, start at the VA Dept. of Ag, and don't forget to call your local health department as well since they will have a say in things.
I called the dept of ag, and left a message. I was told that the lady would call me back tomorrow "if she's in"
I am not sure but I think that is about butchering and selling your own. Under 1000 and it doesn't have to be a USDA inspected processor.

I'd be interested in what you find out.
Run, don't walk, to your local library and pick up a copy of Joel Salatins, Pastured poulty profits. I'd say go to his 'open house' but it's this weekend and he always sells out, well stops accepting reservations by now (2,000 people last time, when I went. ). Like you he's a virginian from Swoope so the book will help ALOT .
Last I heard, Virginia was 1,000 poultry units on farm processing only and customers must come to farm to pick up. PL 90- 492 will give you an exemption for up to 20,000 birds processed on site and allow you to sell to restaurants and I believe, across state lines (sadly, not availabe to me in Ohio).
Google Polyface farms to see their website. No limitations on eggs that I can remember. Hope this helps! Karla
got a call back this morning. I asked about butchering and selling my own, and he told me "as far as WE are concerned, under 1000, knock yoursef out." He said that I may need to do something with the Food Inspector, and that he would call him for me. He'll call me back "if there's something you need to know", but that under 1000, he didn't think they would get involved either.
got a call from the food inspector just a bit ago. He said the same thing-- 1000 as long as I'm selling from the farm. No restrictions on eggs sold from home.
I want to understand all this better myself, but, as minifarmer suggested, I think that in many states, you will fall under the 20,000 bird exemption. Some states have and stick by their own rules, i.e. 1,000 birds, but other state agriculture departments will defer to the federal slaughter guidelines and PL90-492. I believe that to be the case in my state, Texas.

Also, minifarmer mentioned Joel Salatin. If I recall, the way he gets around it all is the customers come to his farm to buy chicken and he sells them live chickens. If they want their chicken processed he does that as a courtesy but doesn't charge for it. Of course everyone wants the birds processed and so he processes them but it is only as a "courtesy".

Miss Prissy-- I think I'm a good little way away from you. Aren't you closer to C'ville? I'm in Appomattox Co. just east of Lynchburg.

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