can someone help me sex my 10 week old japanese bantam picture inclued


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 30, 2010


can someone help me sex this japanese bantam i have got 10 week old !
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We have 2 japanese BTW bantams also that we keep together. Same deal, one is trying to mate the other - well it LOOKS that way, really one is just showing dominance over the other. Mine are about 3-4 months old. I got tired of the dominant one jumping on my other roo, so today I threw the dominant one out of the pen to free range. Of course, all he could do was walk up and down the fence line wanting to get back in with the other roo. It's a mess.............. I've had a really hard time trying to find hens for my boys. I finally just ordered a bunch of chicks, and will just have to wait for them to get old enough to put with the roos.

Here's a few pictures of my roos:


I would have to say he is a rooster as well. I currently have two breeding pairs of Black-Tailed Whites, 1 - 8 week old chick and 3 eggs in the bator. Here are some pics of mine. My avatar is a picture of my other BTWJ roo

P.S. NC29mom - I get two fertile eggs a day if you are interested in some...



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