Can you help proof read a couple essays?


9 Years
Oct 13, 2010
Franklin, NC
Hi there!!
I know it's kinda weird to ask but my sister had to write a couple essays and I was wondering if maybe while I look over the one if you guys could help out with the other two? It would be greatly appreciated! Thank You

This one you have to write a description of someone you consider to be a hero

He's definitely not your classic hero from a comic book, but to me he is just as much a hero. Finn resides in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo. Where he is the only know human in existence. Even though at times he is overwhelmed with his own problems he is always eager to help, putting others first. Which for me makes him what could be called an everyday hero.

For this one you are supposed to write about an experience that caused you to learn something about yourself

It's not uncommon to hear someone refer to their pet as a family member. This has always been something I've never fully been able to understand. While I myself am a pet owner, and as much as I love them, they are just pets. At least that's what I had thought. That all changed the day we lost Ursus.

Out of all the puppies Ursus was not only the laziest but also the fattest one there. As all his litter mates ran over, he made no effort, but when I saw those big brown eyes look up I knew he was the one. Once we got him home and settled in I knew I was done for. With the slightest whimper I found myself running over to comfort him. I had truly fallen in love with this puppy, but this love was short lived.

After a week of little Ursus being in our lives the unthinkable happened. While we were out in the yard I turned my back for what seemed like a few seconds, when I turned back around my heart dropped, he was gone. Weeks passes, rain or shine we continued to search everywhere for him. It was in those moments that I realized just how foolish I had been for saying a pet is merely a pet. While sadly we never did find my baby Ursus he was with us long enough to teach me that I really do consider my pets as family. They are our friends, our family, and so much more.
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