Can you house swans and ducks


6 Years
May 11, 2013
I have a pen wich is 10 meters wide and 12 meter long I have 6 ducks and I will get 4 more I was wandering if I can house a pair if swans with them. I am building a pond 5 on 5 meter. And can you also post some picture of your set up. Many thanks
I don't have swans....but I think I've seen on this forum that people do house different breeds of waterfowl together with swans. I think they need plenty if space though. Ask dylanduckman or destinduck on here. Or search your question and I bet you'll find someone you can message and ask. Good luck :)
We house our ornamental duck (wood ducks, Mandarins, divers, ect) in the same pen with our swans but it is 125ft x 75ft (38M x 22m) and the pen is half water that runs 24/7.

They do get very aggressive during breeding season and i would never put them in with domestic ducks because the domestics hog food.

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