Can you tell the difference?


11 Years
Jun 6, 2008
Tacoma, WA
One of these eggs is from my hens, the other is store-bought. Can you tell which is which? (Please pardon the broken yolk in the lower one, I'm still a little rough with eggs sometimes.

You're all correct. The bottom egg is mine, from a bantam hen that just started laying on Christmas day.

What a difference in egg quality! I think they're even better quality than the eggs we got from our CSA this past summer. The yolks really 'stand up' and are a much darker orange color than even the photo indicates.
The eggs we get from our free range girls are a darker orangish color which shows that they have more of the omega's which is good for us plus they stand up better and while the white is runny and their white is much thicker. Store eggs are just nasty looking and tasting after having fresh direct from the hens!!

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