Can you tell what gender and breed these are?

I'm pretty sure you can't sex EE's to well at 12 weeks but I did with some of mine. I would need photos of their combs. If any at the age of 12 weeks have red combs they are males.
New chicken owner here. Got some chicks from a friend and not sure what these are. They are 10 weeks old. Do we have roosters or hens? Thank you!
Pic #1 is an easter egger cockerel
Pic #2 is a mixed breed cockerel
Pic #3 is a mixed breed pullet
Pic #4 is an easter egger cockerel

Those chicks aren't 12 weeks, not even close. They're still too young to tell gender, and I can't see their combs in any of those pictures anyway.

If those birds pictured are 12 weeks old, they are seriously stunted. What are you feeding? They look like they are about 4 to 6 weeks at most.
Orange one looks like an Easter Egger and is a rooster. The other dark one is also a rooster and an Easter Egger? Maybe mixed with Rhode Island Red? And the two white ones are hens. The white one with a crest looks like an icelandic. The other white one with some orange looks like another Easter Egger.

Top two are roosters, bottom two are hens
Yep yep
I'm pretty sure you can't sex EE's to well at 12 weeks but I did with some of mine. I would need photos of their combs. If any at the age of 12 weeks have red combs they are males.
ombs aren't really apparent in most of them but I will do my best to get pics

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