Canadians check in here....

Has everybody started their garden? What have you got growing?
Well I have been cleaning up the gardens. Dividing plants to be sold at our local plant sale in May. Got some plants in the mail today from Breck's

Nice to be able to get my hands in the dirt again, well I should say my gloves!! lol
does anyone know where i can get strawberry seeds not too expensive? cheapest i found was 15 cents PER seed? its a freaking joke.

and its too early here to play they would freeze at night but working on finishing the coop!
That's where my family has been going for the last 2 yrs to get our seed's for our veggie garden.
Great quality,family owned and operated what more could you ask for!
99% germination rate for those 2 and going strong.Or should I say Growing.

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