Canadians check in here....

Yes if mine didn't workout I would make it into a dog kennel with some modifications


So here is my coop. Ignore the piles all around it...working on the fence and everything seems to get dumped there. There was an old lean to shed to the left of the coop that I used to call the chicken cottage but it had to get torn down or it was going to fall down. So it's getting replaced later this summer. The ladies typically shuffled over to it during winter months for wind protection and dust bathing. The chicken door is in the back and there is a fenced pen there I'm guessing about 20x40 that the chicks spend their days in right now.
Wow! that's a pretty nice coop! We built ours this summer out of pallets and scraps. It's still a work in progress and the outdoor run has to be built yet. We have 5 rhode island reds. We used to live in Ingersoll, Ontario but are now living on acreage in PEI
Wow! that's a pretty nice coop! We built ours this summer out of pallets and scraps. It's still a work in progress and the outdoor run has to be built yet. We have 5 rhode island reds. We used to live in Ingersoll, Ontario but are now living on acreage in PEI .
Trust me my coop is still a work in progress too lol. I have moved perches and poop boards a few times. Yours looks great and very resourceful!

So here is my coop. Ignore the piles all around it...working on the fence and everything seems to get dumped there. There was an old lean to shed to the left of the coop that I used to call the chicken cottage but it had to get torn down or it was going to fall down. So it's getting replaced later this summer. The ladies typically shuffled over to it during winter months for wind protection and dust bathing. The chicken door is in the back and there is a fenced pen there I'm guessing about 20x40 that the chicks spend their days in right now.

Looks great! What do you do to keep predators from digging underneath?
So I'm looking for silver laced polish and splash maran eggs!! Please anyone got any!!?? Plus I'm also looking for some Australorps but I might have found someone!!
We put a layer of hardware cloth/mesh on the underside of the floor pallets and have it wrapping up the side about 6" (under the siding). We have fox, coyote, raccoons and a variety of rodents here and so far so good. There haven't been any signs that anyone has tried to get in....yet. Although we did have a skunk sneak into our 'catio' one night. He climbed on the ledge and scratched on the window just as the cats do when they want to be let in. I had my hand on the window ready to open when I realized both cats were already in, so who the heck is asking to be let in? LOL....phew! Dodged THAT bullet :)
Oh it is raised up about 6 inches and has a 2x4 floor with 1 inch plywood. Hard to tell from pic. That coop is
built more solid than my house lol.

You could always swap with the

I guess since it's raised you have no issues. Mine sits flush to the ground and I was told to lay down 2x2 16 Guage wire so it's overhanging the base of the coop by 2 feet on other side. Then nail down the metal wire and cover it with either mulch or soIL or even plant on top of it. They call it the "predator apron"....pretty intense name!
We put a layer of hardware cloth/mesh on the underside of the floor pallets and have it wrapping up the side about 6" (under the siding). We have fox, coyote, raccoons and a variety of rodents here and so far so good. There haven't been any signs that anyone has tried to get in....yet. Although we did have a skunk sneak into our 'catio' one night. He climbed on the ledge and scratched on the window just as the cats do when they want to be let in. I had my hand on the window ready to open when I realized both cats were already in, so who the heck is asking to be let in? LOL....phew! Dodged THAT bullet :)

Lol that was a close call!
Yes I have the entire coop surrounded with hardware cloth and the pen. Buried down 18". Also all 3 windows covered with it. Then I felt bad for the ladies getting mosquito bites last year and installed window screening over the hardware cloth lol. I took a good teasing for that but they are much happier
You could always swap with the

I guess since it's raised you have no issues. Mine sits flush to the ground and I was told to lay down 2x2 16 Guage wire so it's overhanging the base of the coop by 2 feet on other side. Then nail down the metal wire and cover it with either mulch or soIL or even plant on top of it. They call it the "predator apron"....pretty intense name!

yes that's smart. I just didn't want skunks or rabbits hibernating under there!

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