Canadians check in here....

haha he always rolls his eyes at week it's a new coop...then the run...then a new grow out pen...and a brooder... :gig oops. ;)

I don't ask. I just go out and start building it myself and when he comes out and sees how pathetic and poorly built it is he takes over, lol. It works out well, he feels like a hero and I get him to do it without nagging him :)
I don't ask. I just go out and start building it myself and when he comes out and sees how pathetic and poorly built it is he takes over, lol. It works out well, he feels like a hero and I get him to do it without nagging him
i used to do that sometimes, before we had our son, he's only 6 months so it's made it a bit harder to do that!
Rural outside of Thunder Bay, ON
21 mixed flock of chickens, 2 Toulouse geese, 2 rescue cats, a rotti, and a rescue bulldog mix and 2 lil humans
I just did the same thing today. I finished a new outdoor run last week. Today wrapped it in plastic to give the chooks a protected place to play.

I just did the same thing today. I finished a new outdoor run last week. Today wrapped it in plastic to give the chooks a protected place to play.

Is there any other material than plastic covering the walls of the run? I can see that being pecked/ripped/clawed open enough to let the chickens out or something else in.

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