Canadians check in here....

Hello and Welcome to you in the Ottawa Valley area!. What are you close to? We visit the area of Burnstown, Calabogie and Renfrew! Here's to great Chicken raising! Red Door Coop
Welcome Newfie Girl! We're glad to have you in our "Flock". It is a great learning time and laughing time and sharing time. You will be blessed I'm sure. Enjoy the Scratch together! Red Door Coop, Egbert, Ont.
Hi everyone I am in Newfoundland Canada, I have a flock of 18 chickens and 1 rooster

Hey there! Or should I say; How are ya gettin on, me ducky! I'm originally from Bell Island. Been living in Cayuga, Ontario for 19 years. We are moving to a hobby farm in a week or so. So, guess what hobby I'm taking up? Lol
I'm in Winchester Ont. and I am looking for 4-6 one year old hens. I have some lonely Silver Laced Wyandottes and White Leghorns who need some mature ladies to join their flock. I got a flock of 10 "hens" last year from a lady who said she couldn't keep them anymore. These "hens" turned out to be sick little birds. 4 of the chickens died from a bone issue due to malnutrition, as per the report from my vet. The remaining chickens I have turned out to be 5 roosters and 1 buff orpington hen. I have my hen separated with the gentlest rooster but my other 5 guys I'm sure would like some ladies to join them. I would prefer adult hens so that I don't have any more surprises and I want hens that come from healthy flocks. I am reluctant to go to a hatchery because I feel that hens from a smaller flock can be watched more closely for any health issues. I feed Homestead Organic layer mash and the potential girls will live a luxurious life in a pasture with two pet cows and two pet goats. I am willing to drive to pick up the ladies. Any info or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!

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