Candling eggs Day 21

Today the hen got up and showed her chicks how to eat and drink. but i have one baby bird that is still wet and just hatched in the nest and the momma doesnt even care.and another egg has a hole in it and i can see a chick moving around in it!!!, since the hen doesnt ever care ive got the heat lamp on them..I hope they make it...
No she seems to abandoned the nest,,she has found another spot in the brooder to keep her chicks warm.

Its starting to chill off outside and i know that heat lamp wont be able to keep em warm enough.
Its dark in the barn now and ive slipped the baby chick under her and the rest of the eggs..she accepted them and didnt mind it much,(its dark though),

The chick just opened its eyes and just started to hold her head up..Still matted with goo and stuff. Do they grow all that fluff and stuff in a half day or something??
Because the last chick that hatched, i saw a pip in the egg and then i went to work and came back and there was a new fluffy yellow chick!!
I slipped the chick under the hen where she roosted last night and the rest of the eggs,

and another egg hatched and the new hatch chick fluffed up and got on its feet under her and the 2 new chicks are fluffy and healthy and she accepted them as her own!!

7 chicks now!!

another pip today!! going on 8, Will try to slip it under her after dark,last one worked fine !!Got a heat lamp in the brooder probably 85 dg, in thar now. I know it was cooler that that yesterde and an egg went all day without warmth and then hatched!!

I guess its not as diffucult and intrecat as its cracked up to be!!
Wild birds hatch theres out side with 45 degree tempature fluctuations and natural humidity fluctuations every day ..I guess my hen had it easy!!
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As for people who say dont open the incubator after 18 days. Hello a hen leaves her nest at least twice a day if she is broody and im sure she doesnt count the days and sit for days on end with out leaving. Just to ensure a hatch. she must eat and drink so the hum and temp will go when she does so. so doesnt harm them.
That is good today is day 20 for me and they all look like that and are chirping in the air sac but so far only 2 out of 3 are in the air sac!!!!!SO EXCITED!!!
I had babies hatch on the 2-1-13 and been two days still waiting in the rest about 7 eggs under the hen still waiting on them I noticed on yesterday that had the lil hole with cracks around it that was described and when I looked at the eggs they where dark except for the air sac so from this thread I gather all is ok and I continue to wait for they're arrival
I have button quails that were due last night. Last night I saw they poked through the air sack and till now there's no pipping.
Happy and excited to announce that all have hatched and are drying in the bator right now. One was faced the opposite direction and needed assistance due to not being able to zipp in that position.

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