candling/hatching question

Ok! No, it hasn't! I'm worried it's gonna end in a disaster! Not to mention were expecting some pretty severe weather here within the next 24 hrs and I'm kinda concerned about loosing electricity! I get being a worrier honest from my mom, so I'm on edge! Lol
Yep, unfortunately no way to know exactly when to expect the pip now, but I'd hope within the next couple of days. :)

I know how hard it is to be patient and not know what's going on inside there. You have my sympathy, I've totally been there! ;) Just try to keep your mind occupied with other things as best you can.

With the electricity possibly going out, it's actually much less dangerous to the eggs late in incubation than it would be early on in incubation, so at least you have that going for you? If it happens though, put a blanket over 3 sides of the incubator right away to keep in some of the heat (the other side at least partially open will allow some air to get to them still, they do need oxygen). Our power went out during lock-down once and I freaked out!! Luckily it was only for an hour. I had covered the incubator right away, and all were fine and hatched out ok. A longer time without electricity would be more scary and risky, but we just do what we can. Putting hot water bottles around the incubator (under the blanket) would help for a longer power outage, if you're able to get the hot water anyway.

Try not to worry too much though, ok?
Normally a mallard would hatch close to the 28 days, but your egg is a survivor of an abandoned nest. It's an oddity that the embryo lived. By being a survivor the incubation period may be thrown off; and its anyone's guess when the egg will hatch. Keep fingers, toes, and eyes crossed. Good luck.
I agree 100%!! All the others didn't make it, so I'm suprised this one did. I'm trying to stay positive but at the same time not get my hopes up too much. Day 28 would have been yesterday, so it's quite a reality that this one won't make it out. I hope for the best and have everything crossed that I can! Thanks everyone for everything!!! If I ever attempt incubating again, I believe I will be well prepared!...but then again, I'm not so sure anyone can be well prepared...these little dudes can definitely send anyone on a rollercoaster!

Edited for a small update: I do believe (unless my eyes were playing tricks on me) the egg was rockin a little when I checked on it! Baby steps!
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If you cant feed it through a vent hole or any other way, then yes. Maintaining the humidity is most important at this point. Do it as fast as possible so it will restabilize quickly.
Ok thanks!! I'll see if I can find something long enough so I don't have to open it.
I hooked bendy straws together and got the bend pointed to where I wanted the water to go, then used on of those little bottles with the little tip on the end to pour through the straw. Or any kind of tubing with a syringe, or whatever you have handy.
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I agree 100%!! All the others didn't make it, so I'm suprised this one did. I'm trying to stay positive but at the same time not get my hopes up too much. Day 28 would have been yesterday, so it's quite a reality that this one won't make it out. I hope for the best and have everything crossed that I can! Thanks everyone for everything!!! If I ever attempt incubating again, I believe I will be well prepared!...but then again, I'm not so sure anyone can be well prepared...these little dudes can definitely send anyone on a rollercoaster!

Edited for a small update: I do believe (unless my eyes were playing tricks on me) the egg was rockin a little when I checked on it! Baby steps!
I do hope so. You've tried so hard and that egg has been through so much. Fingers are crossed.

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