candling/hatching question

Thanks everyone! I managed to get more water in without opening it! Yay!

But I went to town earlier and it was 70° outside so I had my air on..before I got back the temp had dropped outside to around 55° in which made the temp in my house drop and when I got home the temp in the Bator was 97°! I freaked out a little and switched on the heat on and covered the Bator with a blanket to try to bring the temp back up quickly. My humidity has also shot up above 60%. I can get the temp back to where it needs to be and get it stabalized, but what about the humidity?? Is it too high?

Edit: just checked humidity and it's at 67% and my temp is back at 99/100
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Well still nothing yet and I'm not sure how I feel about it!:/ This afternoon will be day 3 since lockdown. My kiddos just don't understand why it's takin so long! Lol I told them this one is special! ;)
I did see it moving a little bit ago! I want to cand le and check it out so bad I can hardly stand it! But I know I have to wait it out...
I did see it moving a little bit ago! I want to cand le and check it out so bad I can hardly stand it! But I know I have to wait it out...
Do not candle. If you do and the duckling dies in the shell you will feel terrible thinking your actions responsible. It is very hard to assist an egg in hatching if you're not very experienced and even if you are. Most ducklings/chicks that can not pip are just too weak and do not have a great chance at survival anyway. But..., look through the window closely. Many times pip marks look like bumps on the egg shell and not a hole; at least they do to me when the egg is in an incubator and the egg can't be seen close up. You can also tip the incubator just a bit so the egg turns and you can see the other sides. DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU BELIEVE THAT, IN YOUR CASE, THE EGG COULD BE DAMAGED IN SOME FASHION.
I'm too scared to do anything!! Lol but I'm gonna try to take a closer look through the window in a little while.
I'm too scared to do anything!! Lol but I'm gonna try to take a closer look through the window in a little while.

Pip marks can be really hard to see in the dim of an incubator even with a flashlight. Look for what appears to be bumps. Looking closely you may even see tiny cracks on the bumps. You might see a pip hole, but don't expect to. FINGERS CROSSED.

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