Canine Sebaceous Cyst

I hope the storm passes you by without so much as a fallen limb! Please do keep us updated concerning the pup and the storm.
:hugs Thank you all ... Witch Hazel with QTip seems to have relived the itching/scratching. Noticed the original one is shrinking, the tiny ones disappeared ... So must be helping that.

Have yet to try bathing with Dawn, Tropical Storm Erick (down graded from a hurricane) is raining down on us. Tropical Storm Flossi following, very slight chance of turning into a Category 1 but this one will pass very close :fl hoping she stays on path& not head straight at us.
The odor absorbers seem to help, either that or my nose is numb :gig She still smells but alot more comfortable.

Again thank you all for your advice and remedies :hugs I will update after her first bath with Dawn, hopefully in between storms (Sat - Sun).

:hugs i have a strong feeling she will be helped by the dawn and i too hope u pass thru the stroms alright. Do yall often loose power? How long does it take to get repaired when it goes down?
@mixedUPturk The area I'm in (Hilo, main town), we've been lucky and power gets restored within a day, it all depends which way it comes from. South side (country & farms) lost power for a few days when we got "brushed" but Hurricane Lane few years back. Everyone likes "lush" greenery but the trees get uprooted (flooding) and broken branches. Roads are blocked and crews can't get into areas for repairs.

My brother purchased a generator, just in case for my Mom's oxygen machine. TS Erick has been pretty mild today, the Sun's trying to come out. It's passing far south of the Big Island/Hawaii. Haven't heard much more of TS Flossie, that's the one I'm nervous about. The path is too close for my comfort, it should be passing Sun/Mon.

We've all prepared the best we can ... County made available free "sand" for sandbagging, I found out after I went to the quarry to purchase buckets & bags of it to fill sand bags :rolleyes: I've got LP stove & water heater so I'm good. Got the chest freezer full of ice for the frig, need be. I keep the plastic vinegar jugs to fill water in.

We do get severe "storms" but nothing like you all have to deal with with your natural disasters :hugs
The next time you give her a bath, maybe try applying some coconut oil to her skin afterwards. Soap does strip away oils from fur, which then makes the fur produce more oil, and so it's a constant loop. Oil can cleanse other oils and hydrate the skin at the same time, which is why some people use it for skin care.

It won't hurt her to ingest it, if she licks it, but in larger quantities it could give her diarrhea, so wipe away excess with a towel.
@mixedUPturk - Gave Mia her first bath with Dawn, towel dried her, put the Witch Hazel on the lumps and will see how it goes :fl

@bluemerle - Good idea about the coconut oil but gonna try as mixedUPturk did first. Original Dawn is used on the oiled soaked birds/animals, being it's a sebaceous gland cyst I'm dealing with thought it a good idea. I have yet to figure out how to get it on her skin from neck to tail tip without making a huge mess :rolleyes:
@mixedUPturk - Gave Mia her first bath with Dawn, towel dried her, put the Witch Hazel on the lumps and will see how it goes :fl

@bluemerle - Good idea about the coconut oil but gonna try as mixedUPturk did first. Original Dawn is used on the oiled soaked birds/animals, being it's a sebaceous gland cyst I'm dealing with thought it a good idea. I have yet to figure out how to get it on her skin from neck to tail tip without making a huge mess :rolleyes:

Very cool! :fl :fl :fl i was wondering :)

Im a fan of coconut oil just didnt use it for that after i found just staying on top of the dawn baths worked
Notice alot less flaky this morning, still applying the WH on the cyst 2xday. She was scratching this morning but after I applied the WH, hasn't scratched since.

TS Erick passed, now we're awaiting TS Flossie ... We'll probably get the downpours but at least the winds aren't as bad anymore. Not expected to "pass" until late tonight into tomorrow. Just hope it don't change direction. Then we find out there's another behind Flossie (Gil?) but it's expected to dissipate before getting close.
:weeTS Flossie is passing the Big Island, it's very humid but the rain that was expected hasn't materialized. It's probably due to everyone prepared for the worst ;) My aching back (shoveling sand into buckets to transport home then filling sand bags) is feeling better but I'll be ready the next time :) It was miserably hot & humid yesterday. I'm lucky, have a small window mount AC & fans while majority of homes here are without AC.

Mia was scratching last night, this morning WH her lumps, so far no scratching. Notice less flaking, smell's not so bad & she loves her treatment :D


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