Canning and Home preserving

There is a great Video series put out by the Regulars on Youtube who collaborate. They get a group together and show their pantrys and talk about foods that they regularly can and foods that they would NEVER can again. Each one has different dislikes and likes, and why. Its very interesting.

For what its worth the one year mark is a suggestion by the manufacturer of the lids. They have since come out with 18 month lids. that being said as long as the jars are sealed the food is safe to eat.

But here is the deal... After eighteen months or even a year the food begins to loose nutritional value as well as flavor. Same goes for Store bought canned goods. If kept in a cool dry pantry they are good for many months after the expiration date. but they loose flavor after a certain point and nutritional value.

I researched the canned goods when i was considering doing a long term pantry for the lean times. Personally I would like to see the food in the jars to make that determination. Though I will keep canned goods on the shelf.


I'm not into doing videos, so a picture of my mess will be all you guys get LOL. I totally understand the exp. date thing. I don't really worry about it for the most part. But I really want to start canning over again with a clean slate.
I'm not into doing videos, so a picture of my mess will be all you guys get LOL. I totally understand the exp. date thing. I don't really worry about it for the most part. But I really want to start canning over again with a clean slate.
Hey I am starting with a clean slate.... I have made turkey stock, in the pressure canner. And Apple butter, and cranberry sauce... I need to make more cranberry sauce. so I can get them into the boxes for transport...

I also have Ghee but its not pressure canned or water bath canned... the jars did seal so they would be mostly free from contaminants... I sure wish I could pressure can them.

I am going to make beans for New years so I will cook extra ham hocks and chop them up for when I can the beans. And of course I will Can the left overs...

may i ask what is bush meat? what animals are considered bush meat?

but not going to lie i like wild meat just as much as domestic. if not better in some cases. (thinking moose)

call me crazy but i really want to get a bear this spring and can the meat think it would be great (and deals with the trichinosis issue) as the bear i shot this last spring tasted like beef mixed with pork. and no game taste what so ever.
I love Bear meat!!! It would be the only meat I would eat if that were possible.
South America.
Am I close?

:frow Glad you could join us, Kiki! Well, Spain, of course, but also Central America. I have blond, blue-eyed relatives and all 3 of my grand-daughters and one of my grand-sons fit that description. The other boys are darker-skinned with brown eyes. My grandmother had auburn hair, fair skin and freckles and felt superior to her dark-skinned husband, who had more of the appearance of the Aztec Indian influence, as do I. But when I fill out forms I put: RACE: Human; ETHNICITY, American.
I love Bear meat!!! It would be the only meat I would eat if that were possible.

I've never had bear meat before, but when my dad was still alive he had told me that he tried it once. He said that the bear meat tasted greasy. Maybe it was just the way that the people cooked it?
So on the subject of canning, anyone use tattler lids? I was given a bunch from a friend on another forum just haven't tried them out yet.
I have seen them used but never used them. I hear they are reuseable you just have to buy new gaskets for them after x amount of uses.


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