Canning Chicken Meat

Right there with you Arielle. I do daycare right now and my grocery costs prevent me from having any profit. Under state law I cannot serve the food I grow/can to the kids, but I'm learning now how to better serve my family. I'm not going to be doing this the rest of my life but I will grow/raise our own food. My daughter is deathly allergic to peanuts. We've found that most of her allergies have been outgrown by coming out of the grocery store for our family's food. My goal is within 3 years to be able to grow/raise/produce all our foods. Lots of learning to take place first.
Right there with you Arielle. I do daycare right now and my grocery costs prevent me from having any profit. Under state law I cannot serve the food I grow/can to the kids, but I'm learning now how to better serve my family. I'm not going to be doing this the rest of my life but I will grow/raise our own food. My daughter is deathly allergic to peanuts. We've found that most of her allergies have been outgrown by coming out of the grocery store for our family's food. My goal is within 3 years to be able to grow/raise/produce all our foods. Lots of learning to take place first.

I learned too late that my sons skin rash was caused by allergic reactions to something unkown. Over time this condition disappeared. NOt sure it was an age factor, a diet fator, or perhaps both.

THere are days when I am tired and frustrated trying to produce my own foods. My kids continually point out the worm holes and the misshapen fruits ( both veg and fruit) because they are highly influenced by the perfect selections at the grocery.

HOwever they were chopping veg this morning getting more cans of summer squash ready for processing. lol ANd plucking 2 turkeys for roasting (then canning.)

The funny thing is I blame the chickens for this huge change!! It all started because of a chicken named Arielle.

It has been a perfect storm of sorts. Reading here and learning how feeds effect the quality of our chickens lives and our food derived form them; a long time friend sending me articles on cattle fed paper; to the finaancial disaster our country is in; and the cancer fighting abilites of little known micronutients packed in fruits and vegetables. I am trying to produce my own clean food loaded with natural micro nutrients.Fortunately we did not pollute our land with pesticides and herbicides over the years. THank GOd.

So I"m with you too.

( KIds were keeping the fire buring under a pot of chicken on the old grill. Smoked chicken!!! lol Feed for the cats. )
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I started with canning then moved to chickens. I get migraines from MSG, do you know how hard it is to find something on the shelf in a grocery store without it? I even found a new flavor of jello with it the other day. It looked good, but really jello doesn't need it and most don't have it in there but this flavor did. Then my kids wanted a pet, well I have dogs but they said they were mine and not theirs. One day we were at TSC and they saw chicks they just had to have. I said ok, but you'll have to take care of them... Then I found broilers so we went on a broiler adventure. I almost lost my garden to the chickens, learned not to skin deer near them, and started a whole new life style for us all.
I started with canning then moved to chickens. I get migraines from MSG, do you know how hard it is to find something on the shelf in a grocery store without it? I even found a new flavor of jello with it the other day. It looked good, but really jello doesn't need it and most don't have it in there but this flavor did. Then my kids wanted a pet, well I have dogs but they said they were mine and not theirs. One day we were at TSC and they saw chicks they just had to have. I said ok, but you'll have to take care of them... Then I found broilers so we went on a broiler adventure. I almost lost my garden to the chickens, learned not to skin deer near them, and started a whole new life style for us all.
Interesting how chickens have changed our lives.
I have never heard of canning chicken meat, but I am very interested ! Anyone know where I can get some reliable info on the process?
I have never heard of canning chicken meat, but I am very interested ! Anyone know where I can get some reliable info on the process?

WHen I bought my canner, the instruction booklet was included covering meats, vegies and tomato bsed items. SOme things much be pressure canned, others can be water bathed. THe high acid foods can be water bathed , the meats and vvvegies must be pressure canned to kill any pathogens.

THere is a canning thread here on BYC; and much on line. My only caution is heed the rules for safe canning practices. Some folks think it is ok to can meat via the water bath method; while it can be don , it is not as safe as the pressure canner method. Better to be safe than sorry.

Canning book for meats says 11 PSI, for 90 minutes for 1 qt jars.
The Ball Company webpage has canning recipes. Includes one for boned poultry - I just did a search their recipe page for chicken.

I slice raw boneless skinless chicken breast into 1" strips and put 1 pound in each widemouth jar, cover with hot broth, and pressure can.
I figure the chicken is going to be in the pressure canner for 90 minutes, so it will be cooked by the time the canner has done doing its thing. Last fall was the first time I tried this and we just ate our last jar of chicken. Time to buy more and do twice as much this time. Loved that stuff!
The Ball Company webpage has canning recipes. Includes one for boned poultry - I just did a search their recipe page for chicken.

I slice raw boneless skinless chicken breast into 1" strips and put 1 pound in each widemouth jar, cover with hot broth, and pressure can.
I figure the chicken is going to be in the pressure canner for 90 minutes, so it will be cooked by the time the canner has done doing its thing. Last fall was the first time I tried this and we just ate our last jar of chicken. Time to buy more and do twice as much this time. Loved that stuff!

lol, I'm laughing because I was recently eyeing the skinless chicken breasts at the grocery store, but stopped myself because of two things: the horrentdous increase in price and I have a few roosters running around that need to go first. But I"m sure that won't stop me from looking at the meat at the grocery!

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