Can't get my humidity DOWN.


11 Years
Oct 15, 2008
Tampa, FL
Okay, so I'm prepping my 'bator for eggs that are in the mail, on their way (SO excited, they're Silkies and Silkie/EE's) and I can't get the humidity DOWN.

I have NO water in the 'bator, with a paper towel in the bottom, and it's hanging around the mid 60's.

Took the plugs out of the top (BOTH of them) and it doesn't seem to help or hinder bringing it down more than a few %.

Maybe put something in there that is more dry? Like a piece of cardboard? Since your in Tampa, the humidity is coming from the air in your house. Did you try plugging the holes? That would let less get in, I would think. Also try running a fan in the room, maybe that will help.
Have tried plugged and unplugged, can't really see a difference, but I'll try the cardboard!

I've had it running since Tuesday. That's why I'm kind of starting to wonder. It's had plenty of time to stabilize and it's not coming down. LOL, I think it's funny. Everyone else is worried about getting humidity up.
It took a couple of days for mine to settle, too. My humidity was in the upper 60's at first. I emptied all the water, then just let it run for a day, without opening it or doing anything else to it. It finally stabalized. Now I have to add about a spoonful of water to the center tray every other day to keep the humidity between 30% and 40%.

Maybe just give it a little more time without trying anymore adjustments??
living in fla you might need a dehumidifier in your house to get the house humidity down< Your bator takes the air from your room and in fla the humidity is always high

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