Can't sleep because of jumping quail


In the Brooder
Jul 17, 2015
I have my quail for about a month now. He's got a sand bath, I make sure he's got clean water and a good diet. He didn't like touching so I try doing it only when necessary and never startle him. He's a cute little fellow and I was told to cut his flight feathers to cure my problem and I've done so but he still jumps at night which scares me and prevents me from falling asleep. I'm meant to buy him a mate this month will that end my problem ? I tried covering him from the street light, he doesn't have mites and sometimes he's perfectly quiet and I sleep but sometimes he raises hell. Please tell me it's just because he's lonely for now because it's becoming very tiring and when school starts I might have to give him away if I won't be able to sleep and this continues and I wouldn't want that :( please help I don't understand the problem !
Quail startle easily and when they do they will fly up and hit the cage roof/top. Look for something that is scaring your bird at night. Pay close attention to what is going on in the house when the quail "jumps". If he is jumping at night and hitting the cage top there is a reason. Good luck.

If this does not provide an answer give him a night light. I've actually had birds seriously hurt themselves or die because of "night frights".
Try adding places for him to hide, if he has cover he's less likely to go up if he's scared. For buttons small boxes or plastic flower pots with a door cut in the side. Or most hidey houses made for rats and gerbils. Coturnix use the same but bigger , natural stuff like evergreen branches and limbs also work for all quails too.
I've got a small hidy place, might just add another one. I've tried light for one night but it didn't seem to help but no pain trying again :) and he usually does it around 1/2 when it's dead quiet which surprises me :/ but thank you for some help :)
Nope. I bought him a lady and put fairy lights around the cage for the night and it's ok now tho :)

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