Car crash...broken foot and k-pins...advice?


◊The Spontaneous Pullet!◊
15 Years
Aug 19, 2008
Hey all, so 4 weeks ago I was in a serious car crash (car in opposite lane attempted to pass on a blind corner and hit us head on). As a result I had a serious brain injury/concussion, multiple broken metatarsals in left foot, and a broken right ankle. I was given a 50/50 chance of survival during brain surgery and even with that there was a chance of me having lifelong brain deficits (e.g. not being able to talk, being in a permanent coma, etc...) But by some stroke of luck, I came out of it with no apparent deficits (so far, other than headaches but those are going away slowly but surely). I am, however, in a wheelchair temporarily because both legs are in casts and I can't bare weight on either leg.
Anyways, for my broken left foot, during surgery the doctor inserted 3-inch long thin metal rods into my foot and into the bones to straighten them back out and allow them to heal. In three weeks, those rods (also called k-pins) will be pulled out and I will be starting the process of learning to walk again (with crutches).
I am absolutely terrified of getting these pins removed. My doctor said it doesn't hurt and that it just feels weird, but when I did my own research and watched videos, many people said it hurt like hell. So I'm dreading it, especially because there are 4 of them and they're sticking out the bottom of my foot!
Does anyone have any experience with having k-pins (or metal rods stuck into a broken bone) removed? If so what was it like? Did it hurt a lot?
Hey all, so 4 weeks ago I was in a serious car crash (car in opposite lane attempted to pass on a blind corner and hit us head on). As a result I had a serious brain injury/concussion, multiple broken metatarsals in left foot, and a broken right ankle. I was given a 50/50 chance of survival during brain surgery and even with that there was a chance of me having lifelong brain deficits (e.g. not being able to talk, being in a permanent coma, etc...) But by some stroke of luck, I came out of it with no apparent deficits (so far, other than headaches but those are going away slowly but surely). I am, however, in a wheelchair temporarily because both legs are in casts and I can't bare weight on either leg.
Anyways, for my broken left foot, during surgery the doctor inserted 3-inch long thin metal rods into my foot and into the bones to straighten them back out and allow them to heal. In three weeks, those rods (also called k-pins) will be pulled out and I will be starting the process of learning to walk again (with crutches).
I am absolutely terrified of getting these pins removed. My doctor said it doesn't hurt and that it just feels weird, but when I did my own research and watched videos, many people said it hurt like hell. So I'm dreading it, especially because there are 4 of them and they're sticking out the bottom of my foot!
Does anyone have any experience with having k-pins (or metal rods stuck into a broken bone) removed? If so what was it like? Did it hurt a lot?
I haven't had the pleasure o that experience. If it were me I would request a local anesthetic and something for anxiety. I wouldnt let them near me without,
Thanks! :) although unfortunately I don't think local anesthesia would help because these narrow rods go like 3 inches into my foot, a shot of local anesthesia might numb the surface of my skin but it won't help any pain that's deeper in my foot, right? Or maybe it would?

This is basically almost exactly what my situation looks like. Up near the toes, where the rod ends, is where they stick out and that's where they will pull them straight out
although unfortunately I don't think local anesthesia would help because these narrow rods go like 3 inches into my foot, a shot of local anesthesia might numb the surface of my skin but it won't help any pain that's deeper in my foot, right? Or maybe it would?
They can also do a nerve block, which will anethetize the whole foot. Quite often it can help if the skin is numb.

This is basically almost exactly what my situation looks like. Up near the toes, where the rod ends, is where they stick out and that's where they will pull them straight out
Ouch! Dang I would make them knock me out. LOL. I am such a baby. Well thank goodness you are on the mend after such an horrific accident. I am an ER nurse so I have helped patch up a few.
I would have them knock me out too! Except A. They've apparently never done that for things like this, and B. Due to my serious concussion, they wouldn't want to put me under and mess with my brain at all (unfortunately)
I've not had your particular problem, but I've had multiple bone marrow biopsies. Basically, they drill into your pelvic bone until they hit the juicy marrow inside and then suck some out. Yep, electric drill. I've found it's good to be very frank with your provider about the level of anxiety you're experiencing. Use the word "terrified". Ask for anti-anxiety medication to take before hand (obviously you already have to have a driver
). I can understand them not using the big gun meds with your brain injury, but a good dose of Ativan or Xanax should help you get through the procedure. Those meds are fast acting, short lived and clear out of your system fairly quickly. Should be safe for you, even with your banged brain. You're probably on pain meds currently, be sure to dose up before you go in.

And quite researching it! It's weeks away, don't allow yourself to obsess during that time.

edited--I texted my sister who had an absolutely shattered wrist a few years ago. She had external pins of some sort and had them pulled, sounds similar to what you're having done. She said it wasn't pleasant, but it wasn't excruciating, either. I'd say she has a middle-of-the-road pain tolerance.

Good luck!
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