Car vs Rooster!!! Can he be saved???

As far as the leg goes.. I think both his poor little legs look painful! That poor rooster. I'd shlop (is that a word?) some udder balm on both of them and wrap them lightly. Or maybe they look worse in the pic.. ?
Beak is doing alright, I patched it up with little paper strips from a tea bag and super glue, after that he actually started eating, I think it helped that the cracked areas weren't moving around anymore. His feet, I know, I think he has the scaly leg mites and gave him some oral meds for all parasites, internal and external. I think tomorrow I will shlop something on them, just trying not to do too much to him in one day. His toes are weird too, it's like all of his toe nails except for one on each foot are completely gone....he sure ain't no Spring chicken
I'm wondering more and more what his previous life was like, even before the lady who said I could keep him....with his gnarley legs and toes....poor guy. Keeping him away from the coop till the end of the month to be sure he doesn't have something that could make my ladies sick, then a slow introduction with keeping him in a kennel crate in the coop. I just hope he keeps on improving and enjoys his new life here
Ok, that's it.. What I couldn't put my finger on. His little toes are curled in and all funky. (do chickens have toes? ) We're calling them toes for now. It's late.

They kind of look frost bitty. And you are totally right with not doing too much in one day. Don't want to stress him out. Poor guy.
You're doing so awesome with him.
For the scaly leg mites, if that's what it is, smear Vaseline on his legs and reapply daily or when you need to. That should smother the mites.
Just read your post above. We have a Delaware hen who has two toenails completely missing as well
I thought it might be because she is a very vigorous scratcher. We got her on September 23rd, and they haven't grown back (I don't know how they would!)...

You are doing wonderful with him. He's going to look beautiful once he's all healed!
Thank you
I was thinking I'd start with that, it's right here in my chicken first aid kit and I'll move up to other shlops as needed
lol I had a friend suggest "Neem Oil"....anyone ever heard of this???
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I know people use Neem oil on plants - it's considered a safe, natural leaf polish etc. but used as per directions it also messes up the reproductive cycle of some insect (fungus gnats etc.) It smells alot like sesame seed. Plant people told me you don't need gloves or face mask, etc. to use it. Googled it once and was surprised that some people ingest it (I wouldn't).

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