Car vs Rooster!!! Can he be saved???

Bless your heart! That rooster sounds like he is one LUCKY roo. You sound like a great caretaker and I sure hope pulls through....Sound like you have a VERY special roo on your hands!
Ok, let's see if this works....first image should be of when I first got him into the house to assess the damage


And the second image is one I just took a couple of minutes ago, he's dried off and has had a few sips of water

Oh my! That poor fella! He was in really rough shape when you found him! You can tell he is so much healthier and happier in the second photo! You have done a great job with him! All you can do now is just continue to love and care for him and time will tell the outcome for this guy. His legs look like they maybe are peeling? Are they? I wonder if there is something that can be put on him for that?

You are awesome! Keep us posted!
yea, I was kinda wondering about the that what they call scaly mites? I think tomorrow, if he's still here:fl I'll see about slathering him up with some vaseline...I think that's what they say to do. I'll have to look more into that. He's still just hanging out in the laundry basket in the bathroom, I think enjoying the warmth immensely and is more and more enthused when I have the dropper of water near him. I sure hope this all works out for Mr. Lucky
Yes, I was thinking scaly mites too. I can't remember, do you have him on any antibiotic? I know you were kind of waiting to hear from his people but it sounds like they might not call.
Maybe it would be a good idea to get him on some if he makes it through the night. Can he drink freely from a bowl or do you still have to dropper feed poor Mr. Lucky. (I love that name, it was my grandpa's nickname after he blew up his garage in the 1940's when he lit a cigarette while working on his car. Oops!)

Can't wait for an update tomorrow morning.

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