Cary, NC!! Good Luck Melissa Crane


Speaks Silkie Fluently
16 Years
Apr 1, 2007
N. Carolina
Cary, NC to vote Wed. 2/8/12 to allow up to 8 chickens in backyards thanks to councilman Don Frantz!! WRAL TV aired the story about Melissa Crane wanting chickens in the city of Cary and it just may happen now. I am really hoping they vote YES for the town of Cary.

Melissa, if you read this please post!
Im so happy to hear this news!!
Im sure gonna work on getting my girls back, and if this happens in Cary I stand a very good chance in my town of Roanoke Rapids, N.C..... so Ill sure be pulling for you!
Onecent, I can't find if it passed or not! I did see your wonderful comment on WRAL. Hopefully we'll here news soon...I'll keep digging.
Great to hear from you again. Luckily I'm zoned agricultural so I can be "overrun" with chickens. I "only" have 23 right now.
This is so great!!!!
Hi Suebee! good to see you again too! Im gonna get busy working on my chickies now!!
Im just soooo happy for all the chicken folks in Cary N.C.

What happened? I always remember you posting. Are you saying they made you get rid of your chickens?
Hi Suebee, YES!!! I lost my battle with the town council, they made me get rid of them, but someone on here, I'm so sorry I cant remember his name
, looked at my city ordinance & found a loop hole! (he was a paralegal) so I'm gonna have a lawyer look at it so I will have some back up, But I'm like pretty sure I should be able to get them back!! especially since Raleigh & Cary are on board now!
Its about time Cary got on board with the rest of the Triangle. We lived in Raleigh and loved having hens there, and the "Henside the beltline" Tour de'Coop every year was always a blast!

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