
Thanks, 2 Single Wattled Chicks are in the process of coming here. My friend should have them by July/August we're hoping. We're going to try to get more as they become available, but the supply is extremely limited and very costly....but worth it to us.
Yes, we sell pairs first, and then any extras. They never last long, zoos snatch them up fairly quickly.
Hi, Wow I didn't know you were allowed to own them if not a zoo, I live in Australia and we have one of the species native in far north QLD Got to see them in the wild .... that was cool, didn't have a camera with me, next time we went to specifically see them to get photos ...didn't see one!
Here is a sculpture of a family of them at the information centre.... is there a specific name for this type?

And a pic that I had to take.
I know of a guy that sells them. Ken's exotics specializes in exotic animals but has some birds for sale usually. He currently has double and single wattled available but they are very expensive to buy. Just figured I'd let you know incase he has better prices than your other guy.
Completely fascinating. I had no idea that this bird existed and I take myself to be a pretty knowledgable person when it comes to animals even existing. lol.

Thank you so much for sharing. Amazing that you are "THE" person to get these creatures from and here you are on BYC! You're a local celebrity!!
Australia only has Double Wattled Cassowaries, but yours is a specific subspecies (casuarius casuarius johnsonii), they look slightly different that Papua New Guineas Double Wattled Cassowaries, which has several subspecies in their country, all somewhat distinguishable from one another. Australia's birds are endangered, and they fear less that 1200 remain in the wild. Therefore the zoos are all striving to buy what they can find in captivity and start breeding programs. I've been working with them on this, I have 2 friends that breed them also, and between the 3 of us, we can produce several chicks a year.

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