Catch a chicken.....


5 Years
Apr 14, 2014
My Coop
My Coop
By its tail??? Is this safe?? A bit like closing the barn door after the horse is out but, someone who has been chicken keeping for 20+ years uses this method to snag her chickens. One of mine wouldn't come with the shaker scratch bottle, so I had to catch her. She was really evasive and this is totally new behavior for her! She had been trained to come since a chick! She is now 18ish weeks, and just starting to get hormonal...and like a rebellious teen, wanted to stay out and party after everyone else had gone into the run. So, I lured her with some scratch and snagged her tail and she went ballistic!! Couldn't get her any other way. Scared the bejeebas out of both of us! Held her for quite awhile after that to settle her and now I'm hoping she isn't afraid of me! She was the most friendly of all...such a lap girl, always first for affection and the last 3 or so days she has completely changed! I can't let her free range if she won't come.....sad to say! Does catching this way harm them???? Thanks!
Well I guess the risk is pulling out their tail feathers. Anytime you make a quick grab and snatch at a prey animal yes, they are going to freak out. When I need to actually catch up a chicken to medicate it or any other reason I do it after they've gone to roost for the night. If I need to move them during the day I just walk slowly behind them, don't make any kind of ruckus, and just slowly push them in the direction I want them to go. I use a barn rake as an extention of my arm to kind of herd them in the direction I want them to go and prevent darting away. I have one girl that insists on staying out in the pasture late and this is how I walk her in to the barn. Once we get there she finally decides on her own to go into the coop where everyone else is.
To gather a bird or flock into the run, I use a cattle sorting stick, extends my arm and I just tap the ground behind them or in front of them to get them to go the way I want.

If I truly have to catch a bird, I will use a fish net. Again it extends your reach, and net wraps them up tight, and it calms them down.
Hi when chickens get table scraps is there anything they shouldn't. I have heard bred is bad for them.could anyone advise first time keeper. Jeannie 48
All sound advice, some things I had been doing up until today! Yesterday, I picked her up, held her, and released while she was free ranging. No issue, lots of happy chortling....That is how it has always been with her, but today! Sheesh! I even tried to herd her into the run, especially since the others were enjoying their scratch/oatmeal treat, but she wanted no part in it. Could it have been because her crop was full and she wasn't interested in the treat? I had them out later than I normally do.....around 5 pm. Not normal for me, but it was a crazy day. I'll have to get myself a net, I guess, but I have been spoiled by being able to just pick them up and move them if necessary with no resistance or problems. As long as I am not damaging anything when I caught her by her tail. Not a favorite's just that this last week, we have had several hawks around and the chickens are never ranging unattended. There was a very large one in the yard earlier in the day. So when I want them in, I need them in for their own safety.
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I have a net great for chicks but the bigger chickens freak out so I just herd them with it
Its a nightmare when you have ones you can't catch
My two little sablepoots are the hardest
Very small and fast
Patience is the key!

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