CATS. arrrrrrggghhhhh

maybe i dont see the severity of your problems. i live on 3 acres and my cats stay home. what they catch and kill are animals that are old or sick. i do believe that is natures way. there is no way my cat could catch a young healthy rabbit. and i could look at them as the problem because they destroy my garden taking food out of my family's mouth. i am sorry, but we will have to agree to disagree.
Lol, I will have to say you are underestimating your cat if you feel they can't catch a healthy rabbit, unless the cat is old and arthritic or severely over weight, most are very good hunters moving in silence and hiding in wait for the bunny to come strolling by and pouncing on them. I agree the weak being killed is nature's way but not when wild animals are being killed by a domestic animal, that isn't nature.
blooie, i agree with a lot of what you say as far as the population of cats, it has exploded. my cats are from the pound . they are current on shots, fixed and well feed. i dont agree they only belong in the house. its like saying all birds should be caged . it is the people that are irresponsible we need to target not the creatures. they are all put on this earth for a reason. perhaps it would be mouse pee you would be smelling in your bathroom if not for the ranging cats?
Your point is well taken and I thank you for responding. With all due respect, even vaccinated, well fed, fixed cats roaming all over town get hit by cars, get into cat fights, or take a pellet in the butt from annoyed homeowners. I don't understand why, when it's cat owner vs non-cat owner, only the non-cat owner has to be a good neighbor. Only the non-cat owner has to tolerate someone else's cat using his/her garden as a cat litter box. I guess we're just supposed to sit back and watch the kitty cat with a smile on our faces. "Oh, see the pretty kitty? See him stalking all the birds I work so hard to feed all winter. Isn't he cute?" And ah, the sweet music of new little kitties being created under my window at 3 am. The non-cat owner should have the right to enjoy every square inch of his property without someone else's happy, well fed cat encroaching. The same people who see nothing wrong with letting their cats out to roam wherever and do whatever they want would have a hissy if dog owners did the same thing. Imagine if I let my playful, energetic English Setter out of the door at night to "run and be free." I'd be fined so fast my head would spin, my dog would be impounded and possibly put down. Why is that? After all, my dog roaming around all night would be keeping my neighbors safe from wild animals and burglars, right? I'd be doing them a favor, right? A domestic pet is a domestic pet, period. I have a t-shirt which says, "My rights end where your toes begin." That's also true in this situation. I have a right to own a dog, and you have the right not to have to put up with him tearing up your property and possessions. It might come as a big surprise to some, but not everyone loves Fluffy as much as Fluffy's owners do. I don't want Fluffy on my property. There's an old saying: "The only person who doesn't hear a barking dog at 2 in the morning is the dog's owner."

Your argument that confining a cat is like caging a bird is the same one we'd hear over and over again a the clinic while we were stitching up and putting drainage tubes in a cat who met with an unfortunate accident roaming his neighborhood. We put down three really beautiful cats owned by the same family one winter because they'd found a spot in the snow where a car had leaked antifreeze. Cats and dogs can't resist that sweet smelling, sweet tasting lethal product. By the time the owners realized the cats hadn't come home that morning it was too late to save them. Cats and wild birds are two entirely different kinds of critters. And if my bathroom smelled like mouse pee instead of cat pee, well, that would be totally my fault and my problem and I'd have to address it. However, cat pee smell in my bathroom is not my fault and when I try to address it I'm being cruel. So trying to justify a cat roaming all over the place by claiming the cat is doing me some kind of favor doesn't cut it. Oh, and don't we here on the forum confine our chickens in some way? They were once wild and free, weren't they?

I'll never change your mind, and I'm not about to try. At this point I think we can quite civilly agree that we disagree. At the clinic we were able to change the minds of most of the cat owners who received huge bills for saving their cats, or who watched their cats suffer with injuries that were 100% preventable, or who held their bloodied little kitty in their arms and said goodbye because they couldn't afford what it would cost to save him. Yes, it IS the owners of the cats who are irresponsible but sadly in this situation we have to target the poor little creatures instead of the irresponsible owners. I suspect the reason for that is obvious...the owners don't think they are doing anything wrong by letting Fluffy be free.

Okay, all are welcome to beat me up now. I'm a tough old biddy - I can take it!
Cats that roam all over the place because they like it. If they die at least they had a good life. This cat right here avoided cars for about 14 years. Most dog people don't like cats. They usaly try to hit our cats. That's the way it is around here at least.
Cats that roam all over the place because they like it. If they die at least they had a good life. This cat right here avoided cars for about 14 years. Most dog people don't like cats. They usaly try to hit our cats. That's the way it is around here at least.
Truth be told I love cats. Always have, and have usually had a cat or two most of my life up until about 5 years ago. I'm glad that your cat did so well. I saw the ones who didn't. I used to let my cats out too, until I started working at the clinic. And you know, after that the cats I had were quite content to stay inside. They had places in the window where they watched the goings-on outside, and loved to soak up the sun there. Contrary to what folks think, they didn't just curl up and die because they were kept indoors. Dogs, given a choice, would love to roam all over the place too.

My hens are enclosed and haven't been threatened by a cat in about 6 months (not that I know of) and today the same cat from ages ago came back. I don't believe it chasing them around the outside of the enclosure. If I catch it again I'll shoot it with a BB gun, but until then, what can I do to deter it?
My cat is both an indoor and an outdoor cat. He is neutered, licensed and has all required vaccinations as well as collars. He still has all of his claws and he is very good about keeping the mice at bay. He only gets fed indoors and we do not leave food outside. Do I think all cats are bad, no. Feral cats are a problem, but I seriously feel that shooting it with a bb gun is a little in-humane. I'm not saying that because I own a cat, it's more of a respect for the animal, no matter what it is. I'm a predator hunter, and even though I kill coyotes and the like, I don't ever shoot to hurt, I shoot to kill. There's no reason to put any animal in pain, no matter what kind it is. That cat is just doing what it is programmed to do...hunt. Please don't take this a personal attack on your choices, I am only sharing my opinion on the subject. When it comes down to it, it's your choice and you have to do what you feel is best.

To answer your question, try using the herb Rue. Cats hate the smell of this herb with a passion. Maybe planting some of this around the property would help.
Cats that roam all over the place because they like it. If they die at least they had a good life. This cat right here avoided cars for about 14 years. Most dog people don't like cats. They usaly try to hit our cats. That's the way it is around here at least.
It has nothing to do with being a dog person it has to do with having common decency and respect for others and their property. When you start paying my property taxes then you can start letting your cat run all over my place until then I will shoot every cat that steps foot on my land. Your cats ability to live a "good life" doesn't trump a wild animals right to live or my right as a property owner to raise livestock or just simply enjoy watching and hearing songbirds. I agree 100% with blooies post.
It has nothing to do with being a dog person it has to do with having common decency and respect for others and their property. When you start paying my property taxes then you can start letting your cat run all over my place until then I will shoot every cat that steps foot on my land. Your cats ability to live a "good life" doesn't trump a wild animals right to live or my right as a property owner to raise livestock or just simply enjoy watching and hearing songbirds. I agree 100% with blooies post.
I didn't say all dog people don't like cats. I also said that it is like that where I live not where you do. Okay if it's on your land then you have the right to shoot it.
Truth be told I love cats. Always have, and have usually had a cat or two most of my life up until about 5 years ago. I'm glad that your cat did so well. I saw the ones who didn't. I used to let my cats out too, until I started working at the clinic. And you know, after that the cats I had were quite content to stay inside. They had places in the window where they watched the goings-on outside, and loved to soak up the sun there. Contrary to what folks think, they didn't just curl up and die because they were kept indoors. Dogs, given a choice, would love to roam all over the place too.
Yes and I love dogs. Yes not all of mine have too. I have always wanted a house cat but I never have got one. But I just don't think that all cats should be house cats.
blooie, do you live in the city?? where i live (in the country) every thing is livestock. i actually did have a dog come on my property 2 -3 days ago. i made a post about it. it tore my polish hen up and i have been working very hard to heal her up but, i dont blame the dog. it was doing what dogs do. it was a really nice dog too. i called to have him picked up and animal control was a little peed because i wouldnt shoot it. thats what they tell you to do here if its on your land. i guess its supposed to keep your taxes down
i have indoor cats that are 15 yrs old now. never been out in their life. it reminds me of my autistic son who also never wants to be out. it is pitiful. imagine your life never feeling the wind in your face. i totally agree about feral cats on your property. but mine do stay home. they are well feed . a coyote.did get one of my cats and it took a very long time to heal . but when he was better he went back out. he sleeps on the roof with a nice heavy dog house attached up there and i love him. i would surely cry if he died and i would be one of those people you speak of at the vets but i would know that i saved him from sure death from the pound and gave him (so far) 7 happy years. i have trapped feral cats myself because you cant save them all and sure cant feed them all so i agree with you about trapping them but shooting the bbs is cruel as the other poster states. i do believe it all boils down to common sense. i guess thats why i get along better with the animals, at least them i understand.

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