caturnix male crowing at night


12 Years
May 15, 2010
los angeles
i have a male caturnix white who seems to like crowing at night for some odd reason does anyone seem to have this problem and why is he crowing at night also could it be because its summer or the season or somthing else happeng
My Bobs "go off" all the time at night in the summer. I have concluded it is because of the "Common Poorwills" and or the "Night Jars", which are nocturnal wild birds, that call all night long. They have calls very similar to my Bob's calls, male and female alike, and the Bobs either feel they need to defend their territory, or they are calling them in for mates.

So go outside just after dark and listen for any birds nearby that may have similar calls or ones that might "set" your birds off.

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