Cauliflower looking wart on top of ducks foot


6 Years
May 1, 2017
Hi, I have a 3 year old Silver Appleyard and I noticed a growth about the size of a large pea on the webbing of her foot. It’s on top, not underneath. It bleeds quite a bit when it’s warm, stops when it’s cold (her feet). It looks like a tiny piece of cauliflower. Any ideas? She doesn’t limp.
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I think we’d need some good pics. Does it just bleed for no reason or is it when she hits it on something. Almost sound like a wart not sure if ducks can get warts, tumor possibly too that’s why we need some good pics.
Can you post a picture? How long has it been there, and is it growing? I am not a duck expert, but it sounds like it could be a version of bumblefoot, but also may be a tumor. I will tag a few duck people to look at this thread— @casportpony , @Miss Lydia , @WVduckchick do you all have any suggestions?
It’s been there at least 6 months or more. Seems to bleed when nicked or when she’s been sitting and warms it up. It’s cold here in Anchorage now so it doesn’t bleed when she’s out feeding in the cold
I’m sorry, I’ve not seen such a thing on my ducks. What does the underside look like, opposite the stuff on top?
At first glance, it looks more to me like she injured it or cut it on something, and it maybe got infected. But I would expect something like that to heal quite quickly, in well less than 6 months. Or maybe there is a splinter or something in it?

I would probably try cleaning off some of the crusty stuff, to see what it looks like under it. A little Neosporin wouldn’t hurt.

I suppose frostbite could also be a possibility? @Alaskan any ideas?
I’ve wiped it down before and under the dried blood, it looks just like a fat raisin. It has a bumpy, cauliflower texture. There’s nothing on the other side of the foot.

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