cayuga duck thread

I have 6 that are 9 or 10 weeks old. I sit out and watch them play constantly but I only hear one that sounds like "he" has a cold. The others sound like my Abigail (adult pekin). I'm just finding it hard to believe I could've gotten that lucky.
Don't feel guilty but it sounds like you might just be that lucky. By 10 weeks they should have voice-changed. As for the wing issue, I am sorry I don't know. But I am sure someone here on BYC can help.
My 18 Cayuga ducklings are two weeks old today. Tomorrow, if the weather holds and it continues to be nice out, they will get their first outing into the duck run while I clean out the nursery and put down fresh bedding. They have been outside in the nursery (within the duck pen) since they turned a week old and I have only needed additional heat twice. Overnights are in the low 70's while daytime temps are high 80's to low 90's. They seem very healthy, eat like little pigs, go through gallons of water a day and generally make a mess wherever they are. But that is a reality of duck raising I am told. They are still several weeks away from their first swim but I think they will enjoy the sunshine and the grass. If possible I will post pictures of the event. Oh, by the way, they are chasing and eating flies so I may have to put out some chick grit tomorrow as well.
My 4 Cayuga ducklings are so big and love their kiddie pools!
They are also starting to hang around with my crested mallard and 2 crested Pekin females. For now the 4 Cayugas stick together like glue, they won't split up for anything, not even to mingle with the older ducks, lol.


Is there a way to tell male and female cayugas apart from their head color or beak color?? Cause I know that male ducks are supposed to get green heads and green beaks. But cayugas male or female are green and black all over...... what age can I tell drake or hen and how??
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Is there a way to tell male and female cayugas apart from their head color or beak color?? Cause I know that male ducks are supposed to get green heads and green beaks. But cayugas male or female are green and black all over...... what age can I tell drake or hen and how??
Cayugas can be hard to tell the sex of prior to maturity and/or egg laying. That said the male will usually develop a softer quack, sort of raspy, will often develop a greyish/green bill and will, at maturity, develop a drake feather (a feather or group of feathers that curl up on his tail).
Cayugas can be hard to tell the sex of prior to maturity and/or egg laying. That said the male will usually develop a softer quack, sort of raspy, will often develop a greyish/green bill and will, at maturity, develop a drake feather (a feather or group of feathers that curl up on his tail).
darn... I have a drake Rouen and he was fairly easy to tell the sex cause he got his green head... but its more difficult with my little Cayuga. What age do that get the curl and the raspy quack?? Thanks : )
my drake while he doesn't have the curled feather yet he has the raspy quack and he's 2.5 months give or take a week and since him and his girlfriend were 5/6 weeks i knew he was a drake as his gf started to quack and he countinued to do the duckling peep and a weird chirping kinda noise but a week or so later he was doing the raspy quack.

so depending on how old yours are you should be able to start voice sexing them pretty easily
my drake while he doesn't have the curled feather yet he has the raspy quack  and he's 2.5 months give or take a week and since him and his girlfriend were 5/6 weeks i knew he was a drake as his gf started to quack and he countinued to do the duckling peep and a weird chirping kinda noise but a week or so later he was doing the raspy quack.

so depending on how old yours are you should be able to start voice sexing them pretty easily
yeah he still has a duckling peep and his friend is quacking. He is a little over 6 weeks old now. I think its a drake. He is maturing a lot slower then his little friend. Thanks for your help : )
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Proud Papa has to post updated pictures of his 18 Cayuga ducklings. This was their second outing into the great unknown. I moved my adult ducks out to the free range so that the little ones would be safe and they really enjoyed being in the sun, getting to rut for bugs and nibble on weeds and grass (have to put some grit in for them now). You will note that there are at least two that are crested, the one with the biggest crest is named Don King (sorry but I could not help it). When I ordered them I specifically asked for NO crested and ended up with at least these two and maybe a third. Since these are breeding stock I will have to separate out the crested ones into their own pen. At least they will not be alone. I also have a crested female Blue Swedish so I may just have to have a crested pen somewhere in the future.


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