cayuga duck thread

My Cayuga ducklings will be 5 weeks old this Friday and they are getting big...bigger than the adults I have were at 5 weeks as far as I can recall. Sadly we lost one today to the heat. It got up close to 106 and even with frozen water in jugs, fresh water, shade, fans and misting as well as a pool to play in it was just too much for the little guy. So, he is grave number two in our poultry cemetery joining a sweet hen.

They are almost the size of our adult ducks but they still have some of their down. They scare the adults but I am still afraid to put the two flocks together yet. The adults are just 20 weeks old and not interested in the ducklings except to keep away from them. I am afraid that if they are put together the adults might feel trapped by them and injure them.

I am thinking that once the ducklings get their adult feathers the two flocks might do better together.
Sorry about your duck. It is always hard to lose one. Sounds like you have a good plan. I joined my younger ones in to my adult flock at around 8w. That's when they had most of their adult feathers.
A new question about Cayuga ducklings. I have had mine since they were a day old or so and while they were in the brooding pen they would all come to me and nibble on my arms while I was putting in their water and food and changing their bedding. Once they went outside they all act as if I am the bringer of doom. The peep/quack with fear and rush around trying to get away from me banging into the wall and each other. I am afraid they will be hurt. I have tried doing the treat temptation and everything else I can think of but they still react that way. Am I doing something wrong or are Cayuga ducklings just that way. My other ducks were not/are not like that at all.
That happens with all my ducks. I don't put food down until they come and eat it out of my hand or at least near my feet. When I have time I take their treats and put it around me and sit down they come over to eat and I slowly reach out ant touch them now and then. After a few weeks of this they are under my feet as I walk and are nibbling at my legs again.
The little Cayuga ducklings are now 5 and a half weeks old and are free ranging just fine.

There are only 17 now since we lost one to the heat last week. They co-exist just fine with my 6 adult mixed flock and, based on their behavior, will eventually merge into one least I hope they will. The adults (Khaki's, Blue Swedish and Cayuga) just ignore them unless they want to share the same water at the same time. Then the ducklings take off at a run but always end up circling back toward the adults and the adults take off running away from them. I still keep them separate at night but in a couple of weeks will probably take down the barrier between them and hope for the best.
First time having water fowl, but grew up next to a lake full of ducks all year round.

We got 13 cayuga ducklings and have 11 left. They are 4 weeks old today. One is suffering from niacin dif. It's so sad. I'm learning every day something new.
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Ibicella, If you have not had the experience before you are in for a treat. At 2 week they are cute, somewhere around 4 or 5 weeks, when they start to get their adult feathers, they are still cute but sort of ragged looking. The adult feathers come in and the down sort of looks like they have been rolling in the mud or something. But, as they get their adult feathers and start to develop the Cayuga green sheen with the turquoise to dark blue wing feathers they change from cute to beautiful. Once fully mature...well, you are in for a treat.

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