cayuga duck thread

I have just bought this 48 egg Incubator and it arrived yesterday.
I tried it out for 4 hours and it did everything that it was meant to. It rolled the eggs twice plus the temperature and humidity stabilised.
Has anyone else used one of these to hatch Cayuga duck eggs?
??? What is the best way to STERILISE this before I use it??? I'm,asking this because it is second hand and has been used only once. It looks clean but I want to be safe before I use it.
Also I have 3 ducklings hatching right now in my home made polystyrene box in my bathroom.
Ducks, ducklings and more ducklings every where lol
Sorry to say that the poor little duckling died.
EVEN worse the last 2 have hatched and they still have there eyes closed and I don't know what to do?
I have been trying to help them.
I'm never using a home made polystyrene box incubator again!
I have bought a proper Incubator with temperatures and humidity regulator and automatic turning.
I hope it works because I can't go threw this's way to sad and disheartening!
How can I help the 2. That still have there eyes closed and are just laying down??? Still attached to there yoke sack.
I'm never using a home made polystyrene box incubator again!
I have bought a proper Incubator with temperatures and humidity regulator and automatic turning.
I hope it works because I can't go threw this's way to sad and disheartening!
How can I help the 2. That still have there eyes closed and are just laying down??? Still attached to there yoke sack.

Did they hatch on their own or did you assist? How much yolk sac is still not absorbed? A pic would be great. Sounds like they just weren't ready to come out yet. I'd give them more time in the incubator, maybe they will come around.

A couple drops of Nutridrench would be good too, if you have any.
We have 5 and they are the best ducks as pets ever. We have 4 other breeds, all hatched ourselves except a few from crackle hatchery and though we never gave the cuyugas much handling as babies as teenagers they turned out to be the best, nicest, friendlier and love being held! They live on our dock in a pen and get let out several times a day for greenbacks as treats. The males and females are vocal and make the best quacks (females) and chits (males). We both absolutely love them. By far I wish we had picked them as pets (the Welsh harlequins and Pekins are the pet ones) but slowly I'm working to switch them to porch/garden ducks vs the pond. I would highly recommend them.they are cute, the softest and friendly and lovey and calm right down for lap time. Here's pics as babies and now...

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