cayuga duck thread

@Miss Lydia
they're absolutely gorgeous. moses head is turning super green and he stands out more than ezzy but ezzy is getting loads of color in too, and her personality makes her my favorite. she's very tame and very loving. curious creature she is. beavis believes he is the runner of things but ezzy outsmarts him and he gets so frustrated he starts stomping at her. (they have sharing problems lol)
@Miss Lydia
they're absolutely gorgeous. moses head is turning super green and he stands out more than ezzy but ezzy is getting loads of color in too, and her personality makes her my favorite. she's very tame and very loving. curious creature she is. beavis believes he is the runner of things but ezzy outsmarts him and he gets so frustrated he starts stomping at her. (they have sharing problems lol)
lol.well you know how kids are. How cute is Beavis, he looks great how is he doing now?
he is excellent. he is my wild boy. his poof has black through one side of it and it looks like Albert Einstein hair due. he eats fine still gets around fine still will share video
here's all three of babies.can't ever get em all to stay still anymore.Moses beavis(is it just me or is he always in the middle.)and Esmeralda. but @Miss Lydia few questions, how easily do the cayugas get hot? (my two pant way more often than my crested) and they are old enough (around 6-7 weeks) and it is warm enough now (where i am has been getting up to 80 degrees))to let em take a cool (but not cold) swim to help em get cooled off right? anyway my two cayugas both have super green faces.
but Moses face is lighter colored than Ezz. also she nor Moses ever had a speck one of yellow.
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here's all three of babies.can't ever get em all to stay still anymore.Moses beavis(is it just me or is he always in the middle.)and Esmeralda. but @Miss Lydia few questions, how easily do the cayugas get hot? (my two pant way more often than my crested) and they are old enough (around 6-7 weeks) and it is warm enough now (where i am has been getting up to 80 degrees))to let em take a cool (but not cold) swim to help em get cooled off right? anyway my two cayugas both have super green faces.
but Moses face is lighter colored than Ezz. also she nor Moses ever had a speck one of yellow.
6-7 weeks they can get into pool with reg temp now. with your outside temps in 80's. if they are panting they must be hot that is the only time I have ever seen mine pant.

That Beavis is such a cutie. Awesome he is doing so good. Do you know if Beavis is drake or female?

They are so pretty and can't hardly beleive they are 6-7 weeks already.
I wonder if your Cayguas are both drakes? Might better get some expert Cayuga members to weigh in if Beavis ends up female that would not be good for her with the crest and 2 drakes. You'll need more females for sure.. How about quacks what do they sound like coming from the 3?
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certain beavis and moses are drakes. They have a few extra long tail feathers and neither really quack. Ezzy quacks real real loud. and has no extra long tail feathers. also she is smaller. in back is moses then ezzy. backyardchicken

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