cayuga duck thread

Our little cayugas are just about 2 months or so now! Getting big and pretty, so in love with them! Got a dozen more eggs in the incubator, hopeful for a good hatch from these.

Here are our three, sexes still undetermined as I am so in the dark for that! How does one tell, they sound kind of the same to me.

My understanding is they start laying at 20 weeks? I may just have to wait and see how many eggs we may get
My two five-week old cayugas got hit by a predator (not sure what). Had one KIA and one MIA. The MIA showed up much later, bleeding out and with some foreign blood and gore splattered up his bill. His skin degloved from his neck and a hole in his back where i could see deep into his organs. Rushed him to a vet. Prognosis was not good, not good at all. Well a week later, Drake is back! And so active and chipper! He's a real champ! But he's alone. Vasquez is buried in the backyard. There are two cayugas from the same hatchery that are the same age available in my town right now. i am tempted to get them, but Drake needs to be an indoor duck until his skin and feathers regrow; and keep his bandage (mostly) dry. That could take months. He seems content on his own (just wants to be able to run around the house, so i gotta get him diapers). If i get the other cayugas, they might bully Drake while he's 'weak'; but if i don't get them, i pass a chance to get what seems to be perfect buddies. Well, so what do you guys recommend? (all genders of the young ducks are assumed, not known). (also, these are my first birds of any kind, ever).
Get the 2 and when your drake is better start socializing them with fencing between just like we do if introducing any of ours to new ducks. I hope you have a very secure area for your ducks to be in so this tragedy won't happen again.

Very sorry for your loss.

Great to hear your drake is making a good comeback.
thanks for the tip about a wall to separate the ducks, Miss Lydia; i will be improving security all around, including using a trail camera to see what's coming into the yard at night so i can find a way to humanely get rid of it. I'll make the improvements before adding the new ducks.
My cayuga hen, Pansy, has had a wing problem for quite some time now. For some reason both of her wing tips stuck out, her right wing corrected itself, but her left wing tip still sticks all the time. I've tried tucking it in, which makes it look normal, but every time I do this she'll flap her wings and it sticks out again. She's fed pellets made for ducks that have extra protein in them, so I know that's not the problem. Any advice is greatly appreciated. She's about 4 and a half months old.

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