Cedar chest for chicks?


11 Years
Aug 15, 2012
Just outside Boston
My Coop
My Coop
Hi Folks,
I've been reading here on the forum about cedar chips and baby chicks...does anyone have any idea if using a 20-ish year old cedar chest as a brooder could be harmful to baby chicks...it no longer has any real cedar odor to speak of. Thanks in advance.
What a horrible waste of a fine piece of furniture! Sell it and use part of the money to buy building supplies. You don't have to be a carpenter to knock together a simple box and it will be better suited to the purpose. Or use something that's already junk -- leaky plastic kiddie pools are popular.
Your cedar chest will work as long as it has an open top (you can put some chicken wire or something to keep them inside it). People build cedar coops.

I even use cedar shavings in my nest boxes to deter bugs. But I don't use cedar shavings when a broody hen is raising chicks under her, or on the coop floor.
Thanks....unfortunately the cedar chest is almost junk, it was used as a toy box and then a scrap wood storage box, looks like its seen its share of new england weather also, it has seen better days for sure but looks about right for chicks
Oh, I see. Well then, put some wire on the top and go for it. It's not that cedar is poisonous, it's just that the scent is an irritant and it can build up in closed spaces. Given the age of the wood, I doubt it has any aroma left. Ventilation (wire lid) is a good idea for moisture control anyway and will surely let out any residual scent that comes from the wood getting damp and heated.

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