OH POO...I am sorry for your loss...
I am so sorry for your loss..It's heartbreaking when something like that happens. For me, it has usually been a neighbor's dog, not other chickens...
Thanks guys....I thought Orps and BR were supposed to be more passive than that...We're all pouting around here. When the chicks are big enough to go out side they will be going into their own coop.
Well I was just passin through tonight--But sorry to hear ya lost one. Its always the way it goes--Especially if you attach yourself to it. I find I must love mine to death because if I look at them wrong & like I really like them they are dead the next day so I dont look at them until they are laying eggs!
I just dont know what the deal is on that. But sometimes I have found some of my hens are worse about killing new ones put in the pen w/them & not others. Its like they dont like certain ones but others they are fine w/. Really kinda strange.
Hello everyone I posted a couple days back on how we wanted to make a meeting for everyone wanting to give support in changing poultry laws in Orlando, FL and All Florida State.
Well I have made a thread only for that cause so it would be great if anyone and most definently everyone here in this thread and in general in Orlando and beyond to come out and give suggestions and thoughts for the meeting. It would be great even if you do have the opportunity to have poultry in your homes, since soo many people around Orlando, and in the State of FL do not have the liberty as others to keep poultry in their homes, so plesae do help out.

Thank you all and I hope we all give our parts to help in this great cause!
Thanks for the information chicken7777, the laws do need to change.
I think I am actually bringing chickens to this swap. I will have some bantam cochin youngsters they will be about 2 months old.They are mottled and barred from Oldtimegator as the time gets closer I should be able to sex them.
Yes you are most right they do need to change its soo unfair that other states and people have the liberty to have poultry and we cant....I hope that every Floridian in this thread and others all around orlando can come to that meeting since it will open up the eyes of the mayor and board of commisioners to change these laws.

I just hope we have enough people coming out to show that to these authorities. We should also make it a chicken day as well....LOL lets have some chickens present and show people how they are our beloved animals...what do you guys think?? i would bring mine?

Well I hope that people can give some support to the other meeting taking place in central FL for these law changes...and also to making tha law proposal to add that amendment.

Thanks again and God Bless!
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