changing place of feeder will it change eating habit?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
Halifax, NS
I made a hanging feeder and hung it in the coop in the spring. Now its summer I thought it was nicer for the chickens to eat outside so I hung a small container outside. Now I find that they won't go to the coop feeder as often. I just don't want a large feeder out in the run. I am worried weather they are eating when the smaller feeder is empty. Does anyone else have problems with feeder preference?
I only have 1 large range feeder in the coop. I don't want to attract other critters by having any food outside. I put a waterer outside the coop in the enclosed pen and they empty the outside watererer quicker than the inside waterer (both are 1 gallon waterers). I've noticed that the more time they spend outside the coop, the less food they eat from the feeder that's inside the coop. I guess they would rather scratch the ground and catch bugs. As long as they look healthy and are well-hydrated I wouldn't worry about them not eating. If they're hungry enough they'll find the inside feeder-just make sure to keep it full so it's ready when they are. Good luck.
I agree with Joanc-I only give treats outside of the coop. I keep the large feeder filled. My chickens mostly stay outside free ranging during the day but I do see them go in and eat inside the coop during the daytime. They also eat in the evening right around 5 or so then come back outside until dusk. I only keep extra waterers around the yard.

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